Friday, May 27, 2011

3 months and learning

My baby boy is growing up so incredibly fast. He talks up a storm, kicks and kicks like crazy, and giggles so much. His personality is coming out more and more everyday. He getting closer and closer to sitting up by himself and tummy time is improving. He dosen't like tummy time, so I have to constantly give him new things to look at in order for him to even have a successful 5 mins of exercise.
Sleeping schedule is still a little off during the day, but at night he sleeps from 9-4 straight, and I ususally feed him, change him and re swaddle him and he goes right back to sleep for about another 3-4 hours. However, last night he slept from 9-5, he stayed up with mommy till 8 today and went back to sleep. Oh yes, how I love how cooperative he can be.
Ben and mines 3 year anniversary is coming up and we are actually going to really celebrate this time! Us and another couple whom we are friends with are going to the beach for a couple of nights. We are bringing Josiah with us but my family is also coming because it is around the same time as my brother and sisters 18th birthday. So the hubby and I get to maybe have a half a night to ourselves. ;)  So theres the update! Enjoy the pics. Also I have a video of his first laughs on my facebook, friend me and watch it!

sleeping baby boy

tummy time!

aww, my blue eyed boy.