February 20th 2013-Eden's Due Date
I was just starting to be tired being pregnant. All the ladies that were pregnant around me already had their babies and i was getting restless. I really wanted to meet my baby girl. I was already doing all sorts of natural inductions and all of it seemed to not be working as well as i wanted to. One thing that I didn't try that I was told that worked was to bounce on a excercise ball to get baby to move down and start some contractions.
I was having contractions all day that day, and even told my midwife about it. She wasn't really convinced that it was the real thing, and I wansn't either. They were very irregular and came any where from 10-30 minutes apart. They weren't really that painful either, I could do everything without a problem
On our way home from our appointment, we dropped by a friend of mine's house to pick up the excersise ball that I was going to borrow and we headed home.
At 8:00 I started bouncing on it. I remember the time specifically because I just put Josiah to bed and was working on my 40 week pregnancy video log. From 8 to about 9 I was bouncing on that thing on and off. I was actually starting to get some pretty good contractions going. I didn't really think nothing of it, so I grabbed myself a snack and headed downstairs to try and get some sleep.
They were coming in at about 5-7 minutes apart and were about 30-45 seconds long. I timed these till about 1am, and then I went to go and take a long hot shower. I really just needed to relax and if these were the real thing then they would keep going even after I was done showering. I showered for a bit till the hot water ran out, I stopped the tub up and sat in the water for a bit. The water helped me to relax really well and I sat in there till about 2am.
Then I went to get up, get dried off and got some comfortable clothes on. I put on my nursing tank top that I was planning on laboring in. I still didn't think that this was the real thing, they just didn't seem strong enough to me. So i went to bed and turned on my relaxation CD on my phone and put my headphones on. My husband was sleeping soundly right next to me. He got up a few times concerned, but I told him not to worry and to go back to sleep. I would wake him if we needed to go. I didn't want him to be up for no reason. I finally started to relax enough to get to sleeping in between contractions, listening to my CD.
At about 3am, I felt a huge POP right in the middle of my belly. I was sleeping and I remember how strong it was cause it woke me up. I thought that maybe Eden hurt herself? It was really weird. I poked at her to make sure that she was still moving. As soon as I started to feel her move around in my belly, i was happy and relieved. After feeling that, I went to the bathroom because i had the urge to pee right after that. Not only did I pee, but little gushes of fluid was coming out of me. I sat there on the toilet for a little bit, trying to figure out what to do. I was sorta in a daze because I couldn't believe that my water just broke. Just to be sure, I stood up and more gushes of water came out, I couldn't stop it. Yep, it's my water!
I called my midwife and told her what was happening, she asked me questions about my contractions and what color the fluid was and she told me to make my way to the hospital when I can. After my phone call with her I got up and very quickly pulled up my underwear before more fluid came out all over the floor. As I was walking over to Ben in our bedroom more gushes were coming out.
I looked over to my sleeping husband and said, "Babe, it's time!".
It took him a moment to realize what I said, I had to repeat myself a few times. Finally after a little while, he got up and called his mom who was coming over to take watch Josiah during our time in the hospital. While he was getting last minute stuff together I texted my doula Britney that my water broke that that we were headed to the hospital. She texted back to say that she'll meet us there, she had to make a few arrangements before heading over.
We were only waiting about 10 minutes and Ben's mom was already at our house. We left around 2:30.
Of course, my wonderful husband, because he went out with his friend just a few hours before, he was super tired. Not only did we HAVE to stop for coffee for him on the way, we had to stop to get gas!
Really?! We could have not been any more unprepared!
On our 15 minute drive to the hospital I breathed through each contraction, listening to my relaxation CD.
When we got to the hospital, I was guided into the delivery room and put on a few monitors. I was only monitored for a little bit before Britney walked through the door. After being monitored for a little bit I was able to walk out of the room and labor. Britney and Ben right behind me walking with me, supporting me every way they can. We all kept walking the halls of the hospital, then I got tired of that and went back to the room.
Maybel wanted to see how far I progressed, I was checked and only at a three when i got there.
By the way, getting your cervix checked is the worst!!!
:( I labored for awhile longer, taking one contraction at a time, trying to find positions to be comfortable in.
Having both my husband and my doula there to help me really helped with the process.
I hit a roadblock and I asked for the epidural at 5 cm.
Everyone kept asking me if I was sure. My husband probably asked me about 100xs if I was sure. He knew how important a natural birth was to me.
I was sure. I was tired, worn out and wasn't allowed to get into the tub till 6 cm. It seemed so far away and the contractions were so strong. Even getting the epidural was a challenge, the guy who did it had the hardest time and complications followed it.
After the epidural was in place, I felt a little better. Not to the point where the contractions were completely gone though. The guy had to come back in another time to give me a boost of pain relief.
I got the epidural at 9am and close to 11am I started feeling pressure with each contraction. After just 2 hours of relaxing and having a good time talking to Britney, it was time to push my baby out!
They called my midwife in, got me all ready and I pushed.
Because of the epidural not working completely like it was suppose to, I felt everything.
All that it did was take the edge off the contractions and the ring of fire.
At one time I asked them to pull her out of me because it hurt so bad.
I pushed through the pain, everyone around me, supporting me, telling me that I can do it.
I could hear my husband beside me giggling, yes, giggling. I almost the guy cause it made me so mad. Good thing Britney was there to keep my calm and assured me that he was just an excited father ready to meet his daughter. After about 20 minuted of pushing, my midwife told me to pull her out, I could see her right there. At first I said no, she kept telling me to do it. I am glad that she made me, I am glad that I got to deliver my own baby into the world.
I laid her on my chest and I just cried. She was so beautiful, she pinked up right away, cried right away.
She was perfect.
I got to lay her on my chest for awhile, skin to skin. After about 30 minutes I put her to my breast and she immediately latched on. I was on baby high for awhile.
After about an hour they took her to weigh her and measure her.
During the 2 hours of the epidural and talking with Britney, she asked me what I thought my baby was going to weigh. I told her, "I think she is going to be 6lbs 13oz"
Well something to laugh about always and forever is how accurate I was with her weight.
She was 6lbs 13.5oz. haha!
Beautiful little girl, welcome to the family! We are so blessed to have you!
Your daddy, brother and I are so happy that you are part of us.
That is my birth story of little Eden. I don't regret getting the epi. I think that the reason why is because I felt every thing. Once I did get it, my body was able to completely relax and I went from a 5 to 9 1/2 in 2 hours. I think that if I would've gotten into the tub, it would have had almost the same affect. Next time maybe. I did get a 1 degree tear! yay! I needed a few stitches for those, I did feel the shots that my midwife gave me. That was no fun.
Here are the stats:
February 21st 2012
6lbs 13.5oz
20 inches
14 hour labor
20 minutes of pushing
A healthy baby girl.
I couldn't be happier.