Thursday, April 10, 2014

I want the farm life

I know that I don't write on here enough. My life with my family has been so busy and awesome that I don't take the time to write and jot down my thoughts or whatever else you put in these blogs.
But today I wanted to write because 1.) Josiah is being so good watching Frozen right now and I have an entire hour of doing this and 2.) Eden is sleeping and won't be awake for a few hours yet then 3.) I read a blog that inspired me.

Nearly a year ago we took a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace session with our church. Ben and I learned so much from it and if you are in a financial rut(or not) I highly recommend it!
The very first class there was a question that was asked. It went something along the lines of this...
What would you do with your money after all debt, mortgages, payments were cleared? Even after you have enough saved up and had the ball rollin for retirement.
That was all I remembered what the question was, I probably messed it up in some way I'm sure! ;)
Most people said travel and explore the world among other things that I definitely did not want to do(besides giving to the needy).

I don't like to travel.
I am a researcher, not an explorer. I hate long hours wasted sitting on a plane. So traveling was always out for me. Even if I was flying first class I am not still not excited. Don't get me wrong, I like history but it's not want my heart REALLY desires. In fact I would rather read about the place than go see it. It's all the same to me!

We all had to answer this question so very shyly I answered, "I want a place with lots of land to have a farm and grow food".

Yep, I am a total nerd. 
I felt so silly after that.

I wanted to do more than just have a farm though. I think that if I went too much into detail I would've talked about it all night. 

So I'll talk about it here. ;)
On that large lot of land I want to grow a huge variety of fruits and vegetables. I want to grow chickens for meat and eggs. I want to have goats for milk and grow rabbits. I want a couple of horses that my many children can enjoy riding. I want a couple of dogs for my children to have close companions. 
With all that I want to invite people over to my farm so that their children can learn how to grow food and let them pick and taste ripe fruits and vegetables. Allow them to pick there own eggs from the chicken coop. They can pet the cute rabbits and goats. Get those kids hands dirty and allow them to learn!
I don't care if we sell anything or not, I just want the kids(and adults) to have an experience that you would not see in the city. To see the beauty in nature that our God the Creator has made!

I guess you can call me a farm girl at heart or a nature freak but I don't care. This is what I love. 
I can't wait to have this one day. I know that having a farm like this would be a bunch of work and would scare quite a few people. But I like this type of work. I enjoy being outside and taking care of animals.(Wanted to be a vet as a kid btw)

You all probably think that I am a weirdo now and are wondering where this all came from. This has been on my mind ever since I married my husband. When we had our first child that desire increased and now since a year of having my second little blessing the thoughts of it have never stopped. I hope that sooner than later this will happen. I can't wait to start a life on the farm! ;)
