Now that Josiah's birthday is done and pass, I have started doing natural things to induce labor. A few of these I have done before his birthday. But I wasn't really serious about it because I honestly wanted to wait till after his birthday to have her.
Most all of these I have gotten from the internet. But friends and midwives have also suggested a few things too. I would like to share them all with you! Maybe one day these will be of use when you are ready to have your little one.
Please be known that I am not a doctor or professional of any kind. This is just my honest option and I really encourage you to hold off and wait till you are 38+weeks to start trying any these.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea- You can take this in the pill form or the capsule form. I am really picky about my tea and so it was tough for me to drink the recommended amount of 3 times a day. This helps with toning and preparing your uterus to bring progressing contractions.
Evening Primrose Oil(EPO)- I take 2 capsules (500mg) orally in the day and at night before I go to bed I insert 2 vaginally. This helps with softening of the uterus. Wear a pad or pantyliner if you don't want a oil mess in your sheets. I have heard another rumor saying that this also helps you not tear.
Next one TMI!
Sex- This one is probably the hardest one for me to perform! My huge pregnant belly makes everything 10xs harder to do in the bedroom. Semen helps with softening of the cervix, having an orgasm brings a healthy dose of (what I call) the happy hormone, which brings on labor. If we don't have sex, I do the EPO vaginally --both have the same effect.
Walking- Don't just walk though, you gotta bounce with it!
Acupressure- I have just discovered this one a few days ago and let me tell you, if your body is ready to give birth, it works! Its so easy that you can do this yourself, or your partner can do it for you. Acupressure doesn't just help bring on labor, but it makes labor just a little bit easier. I'll take what I can get!
Relaxing-This is one that a lot of people don't really think of. I really do think that relaxing to bring on labor works. Why? When I go to sleep at night, my body is in a complete relaxed state, so it is able to do what it is meant to do. So at 1am in the morning-every morning-for the past week I am waking up with contractions. My body is doing its job. Then I start waking up, thinking "this is it!" and a few hours later the contractions are gone. I guess that you could sleep all the time, but with me, I have toddler to look and run after. So now, every night before bed I draw myself a warm bubble bath, put on my relaxation CD and just breathe a small bit of red wine doesn't hurt either. Not only does my tired pregnant body need this, I am not complaining about it! :)
Sweeping of Membranes- I'll probably ask my MW to do this for me on my DD, I am not a big fan of it because anything to do with my cervix seems to hurt like no other. But if it will get things going, it beats getting induced!
Fenugreek- This one is a different one that I have discovered just recently also. This is herbal vitamin is actually for breastfeeding moms who want to produce more of a milk supply for their ever growing breastfed baby. This helps to bring on uterine contractions. For now I just take one capsule a day. Beware though, it can make you smell like maple syrup!
Spicy Foods- I am not a spicy food lover, so this one is out of the running for me.
Pineapple- I haven't heard about this one working for anyone yet. You have to eat a lot of it for it to work!
Castor Oil-This one is always an interesting topic. Some midwives suggest it and some totally down grade it. I took it once when I was pregnant with Josiah, all it did was give me awful stomach cramps and diarrhea. I will not be doing this again with this baby. I would hate to go into labor and have diarrhea at the same time! Yuck! If you do decide to take it, wait until you are WAY over due or are about to be induced the next day. Take it at your own risk!
Well that's pretty much what I have for inducing labor. If you really want more info you can look at this website here. Good luck to you! Now its time for me to get walking!
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