My son is getting older and he is starting to understand some things.
This year we wanted to start traditions with our family. We are going to start having Christmas at our house, wake up in the morning. Eat breakfast. Open our stockings and gifts all together with just our little family.
But, we are going to do something a little different. Ben and I talked about it and we decided to not introduce Santa Claus to our children. We want God to be glorified in our giving and receiving, not some make believe character.
We will still do Christmas lights, we will still do stockings and gifts. We will still decorate cookies and sing carols. This was something that I brought up to my husband. He was not too keen to the idea at first, but once I explained it to him and he talked to a few other men(annoying, isn't it?!) he now is on board with me.
I personally think that as a Christian family that we should do this. Now, I am not saying that this is for everyone. I am also not saying that you are a bad person or bad parent for celebrating Christmas with Santa Claus. I don't want anyone to feel guilty either. I grew up believing in Santa as a child, so I don't think that it's bad at all. It's really sweet to think of the idea that one person gives to everyone on one day of the year.
Isn't that what Jesus did? ;)
I think that I have proved my point.
We will also be doing this same thing with other holidays as well. We are excited to find alternative ways to celebrate holidays with God as the center of our lives.
I have included a video below of how our Christmas is going to be this year. Things are definitely going to be different.
Thank you all for watching/reading. I hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas.
Love, Jess
Here is the link to my video!
Agreed! We won't be doing Santa either. Deciding how to make our own family Christmas time now that we have 2 kids and Zeek's getting older!