Friday, February 22, 2013

Welcome Little One!

Eden Penelope-Reese
Born February 21st 2013 @ 11:11am
6lbs 13oz 20inches

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

40 weeks! Happy Due Date!

It's finally come! I am 40 weeks pregnant!
Usually I like to write these out a little earlier. But with my baby appointment not till this afternoon, I wanted to wait till afterwards to tell you all the news!
At this appointment during my weigh in I currently weigh 153 pounds-lost 3 pounds. Which is the least that I have weighed in this entire pregnancy! I started out at about 155ish, not gaining any weight has had some people concerned. But because I was technically overweight when I conceived, it doesn't really concern my midwife. Just as long as I am still eating healthy and as long as baby girl is still growing I am fine to be not gaining. I have eaten more this week than any other weeks of my pregnancy! I indulged a little too much cake on Josiah's birthday. ;) I am so happy to think that I will be pre-pre-pregnancy weight when I have this little girl! I will already be almost to my goal! Eating healthy and being active with this pregnancy is the best choice that I ever made! 
Besides the weight loss at my appointment, my midwife checked me again for dilation. I was pleased to hear that in just one week I have went from 1 centimeters to 2! I know that it's not much, but that tells me that my body is progressing like it should. I felt more confident after that appointment. However, my cervix is still pretty high, but really soft and that all can change real quick! 
OK, so now it's time for the sorta sad news. :(
Because I am birthing at a hospital, they have specific standards. So of course, if I want to have my birth at that hospital, I have to follow their rules.
Next monday, I have another appointment. If I have not had baby by then, my midwife will do a membrane sweep and then we will have to schedule a day to induce. With this hospital, they don't want you to even go past 41 weeks pregnant. :( Sad, i know. But that's the way it is. I am going to try and convince her to let me be induced as late in the week as possible. We will see how that goes.
Other than that, I have still been doing all my natural labor inductions as much as possible. You can see what all I am doing on this post. Today I even went by my good friends house(who just had her baby)to pick up her exercise ball so that I can "bounce" this baby out! In fact, I am sitting on it right now while typing this. 

I am not giving up hope! Today since about 1pm I have been having some pretty consistent contractions. They have not gotten closer together yet but they are still about 10 minutes apart and about 30secs-45secs long. They are a little painful but not enough to keep me from falling asleep. Who knows? maybe i'll wake up in full labor?

So that's about it for this week! Hopefully the next time I write to you I will have a beautiful newborn baby girl sleeping in my arms. 


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Preparing for Baby-Nursing Box

Before baby girl is born, I really wanted to make a nursing box. 
I wanted to be completely prepared for nursing as much as possible because last time I was NOT prepared at all. With my son Josiah, breastfeeding did not go well. I had no idea what I was doing, and I didn't even know half the benefits of breast milk as I do now. He was breastfed--mostly from bottle--for about a total of two months before we switched him to formula. :(  I completely regret giving up so early and not trying harder and kick myself in the butt for it every time I remember. I just didn't have the tools or the knowledge to make breastfeeding easier. Now this time around I have done my research, attended breastfeeding classes and I have a lactation consultant(whom I love)on speed dial. 
So, to add to this, i wanted to make breastfeeding pleasurable and easy at home.

I made a nursing box, I found a few on Pinterest that people give away as gifts and such, so I got some ideas from there. It is really easy to make and a nursing box for yourself would be different than for me depending on your lifestyle and which nursing positions are the most comfortable for you. For this you can use any type of basket or box to hold all of your goodies in.
Here are the list of things that I have included in my nursing box and why.

Boppy Pillow-while it's not IN my box because of its size, I have it sitting right next to my gliding rocking chair for easy access. I have another pillow like this down stairs for nighttime feedings.

Blanket- This sits on the back of the chair.

Electric Breast Pump- I want to keep up my supply as much at possible and also when baby girl gets a few weeks older, I would love for her brother and father to have time to bond with her too. Also I would love to have a nice freezer stash going for just in case, and grandparents can watch her too!

Nursing Cover- For when we have guests over that I don't want to see my hoo-has.

Breast milk storage bags

Burp cloths- just a few in case of spit up or accidental milk "squirts"

Breastfeeding help book- for if I need to look back on something in case I am having a problem. I got my book from my breast feeding class.

Nursing Pads- I have both disposable and washable. Not sure which ones I will like better.

Notebook and Pen- to write things down while I remember them.

Magazine- as part of one of my Christmas gifts I have a Cosmo magazine delivered once a month. I think that my dad set it up, I still have yet to ask him. If he is reading this--Thank you!!!

Chapstick- ya, never know when you might need it!

Coconut Oil- for dry skin, if baby girl has dry skin I could always lather her up a little bit while feeding her.

Lanolin- I just have a sample size, when it's out I'll switch to the coconut oil.

Water bottle- I'm going to try and drink at least a full bottle of water while nursing. Good for mommy and good for supply.

Snacks- This can be anything from granola bars, dried fruit, lactation cookies, crackers. Whatever I am feeling up for. I remember from the short time breastfeeding how hungry I was while pumping or feeding and I wasn't able to get up in the middle of it and grab something.

I also have a quiet toy and a new book in this box for my 2 year old. He is only going to be allowed to play with these things while I am nursing and he needs my attention. 

My rocking chair sits right in front of the TV too, I'll have everything handy for that for when I want to watch a Netflix show or movie.

That's it for my nursing box, if you have any suggestions or questions let me know!


Monday, February 18, 2013

Inducing Labor Naturally

Now that Josiah's birthday is done and pass, I have started doing natural things to induce labor. A few of these I have done before his birthday. But I wasn't really serious about it because I honestly wanted to wait till after his birthday to have her.
Most all of these I have gotten from the internet. But friends and midwives have also suggested a few things too. I would like to share them all with you! Maybe one day these will be of use when you are ready to have your little one. 

Please be known that I am not a doctor or professional of any kind. This is just my honest option and I really encourage you to hold off and wait till you are 38+weeks to start trying any these.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea- You can take this in the pill form or the capsule form. I am really picky about my tea and so it was tough for me to drink the recommended amount of 3 times a day. This helps with toning and preparing your uterus to bring progressing contractions.

Evening Primrose Oil(EPO)- I take 2 capsules (500mg) orally in the day and at night before I go to bed I insert 2 vaginally. This helps with softening of the uterus. Wear a pad or pantyliner if you don't want a oil mess in your sheets. I have heard another rumor saying that this also helps you not tear.

Next one TMI!

Sex- This one is probably the hardest one for me to perform! My huge pregnant belly makes everything 10xs harder to do in the bedroom. Semen helps with softening of the cervix, having an orgasm brings a healthy dose of (what I call) the happy hormone, which brings on labor. If we don't have sex, I do the EPO vaginally --both have the same effect.

Walking- Don't just walk though, you gotta bounce with it!

Acupressure- I have just discovered this one a few days ago and let me tell you, if your body is ready to give birth, it works! Its so easy that you can do this yourself, or your partner can do it for you. Acupressure doesn't just help bring on labor, but it makes labor just a little bit easier. I'll take what I can get!

Relaxing-This is one that a lot of people don't really think of. I really do think that relaxing to bring on labor works. Why? When I go to sleep at night, my body is in a complete relaxed state, so it is able to do what it is meant to do. So at 1am in the morning-every morning-for the past week I am waking up with contractions. My body is doing its job. Then I start waking up, thinking "this is it!" and a few hours later the contractions are gone. I guess that you could sleep all the time, but with me, I have toddler to look and run after. So now, every night before bed I draw myself a warm bubble bath, put on my relaxation CD and just breathe a small bit of red wine doesn't hurt either. Not only does my tired pregnant body need this, I am not complaining about it! :) 

Sweeping of Membranes- I'll probably ask my MW to do this for me on my DD, I am not a big fan of it because anything to do with my cervix seems to hurt like no other. But if it will get things going, it beats getting induced!

Fenugreek- This one is a different one that I have discovered just recently also. This is herbal vitamin is actually for breastfeeding moms who want to produce more of a milk supply for their ever growing breastfed baby. This helps to bring on uterine contractions. For now I just take one capsule a day. Beware though, it can make you smell like maple syrup!

Spicy Foods- I am not a spicy food lover, so this one is out of the running for me.

Pineapple- I haven't heard about this one working for anyone yet. You have to eat a lot of it for it to work!

Castor Oil-This one is always an interesting topic. Some midwives suggest it and some totally down grade it. I took it once when I was pregnant with Josiah, all it did was give me awful stomach cramps and diarrhea. I will not be doing this again with this baby. I would hate to go into labor and have diarrhea at the same time! Yuck! If you do decide to take it, wait until you are WAY over due or are about to be induced the next day. Take it at your own risk!

Well that's pretty much what I have for inducing labor. If you really want more info you can look at this website here. Good luck to you! Now its time for me to get walking!


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Josiah!

Picking up some balloons! I may or may not had a lot of fun doing this! haha!

My little man turned 2 today! I can't believe that it's already been 2 years! Where did the time go? *sniff*

His party went wonderfully! Yesterday(Saturday)I was able to get my mom and sister to help me decorate. Well, they mostly decorated while my bossy pregnant self walked around barking orders at them.
(JK, I really was being nice! ;))
I purposely had just about everything ready and paid for just days before the party. The reason is obvious that his little sister could possibly make her appearance on his actual birthday.
So I had everything prepared just in case! I still wanted him to have his birthday party even if i could not be there at that particular hour. He deserves a little fun as a single child for one last time. :)

The only things that really needed to get done was to pick up a special pre-ordered Sesame Street birthday cake and about a dozen bright colored helium balloons to mark where Grandma and Grandpas house is. Their house isn't really that hard to find. But it can get confusing up in the hills where they live. I wanted it to be as easy as possible for guests to find.

The party was really simple. No games or anything scheduled like that. For any 1-2 year olds that came I knew that a schedule would actually cause more harm than good. Any of you with kids around that age know what I am talking about. You just go with the flow! ;)
We had some toys out for them to play with. Some yummy healthy(and not-so-healthy) snacks, drinks(juice boxes for the kiddos) and the cake were all provided.
I did make up some party favors for any kiddos that were able to come. It was all pretty easy. I had a lot of help from my MIL and mom. They paid for a bunch of the decorations, food and favors. I am so grateful for them.

We all had a lot of fun. I'm pretty sure that my 2-year old did too!
Boy that's gonna take some getting use to!--2-year old---
I have included pics down below this time!
Thanks for reading as always. Now that Josiah's birthday is done we are pressing for this little girl to come! Any day now!


Nothing special, just a some snacks and beverages.

Cake!(Can you tell? We did Sesame Street this year!)

Balloons are the best!

Enjoying his birthday cake!
One of his many gifts. Everyone was so generous, this kid seriously got spoiled!
Playing with the goods!
His "Auntie" Rachael(AKA kick-butt army medic)was able to come to his party!

Of course, two proud parents of a new 2 year old!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Another Hospital Visit. :/

Yep, last night was another visit to the hospital. Only this time I actually went straight to the ER. 
Before I start I just want to let you know first off that everything with baby and I are fine. 

You know that paper that they give you that has all the of the list of things to look out for while pregnant? Well one of the things happened on that list last night while I was standing in the checkout line at Walmart. I was getting some last minute items to stock up on before I ended up going into labor. I went to get things that we needed like toilet paper, laundry detergent, etc. 
While in the check-out line I started noticing the yellow prices tags on the shelves. For some really odd reason I could not read the numbers. my vision was blocked by all these spots I was getting in my eyes. I noticed it even more when I went to put my PIN and I could not see the numbers. I pretty much had to feel my way to enter my PIN. I wasn't really freaking out here yet. So I went walking back to my car after I got my things gathered and thought that maybe I just needed to get walking again to get my vision to improve
It was weird, I could still could hardly see but I knew where I was going.
Finally I got to my car and just sat there for a little bit. I thought that maybe I was fine. I was still seeing the spots but they weren't that bad.
So I started driving home. The long stretch to the first light seemed like forever. At this point I really saw how bad my vision was, and it was getting worse! I had to pull over at a safe place ASAP before I hit someone. I  could hardly see the lines on the road and all the lights from the cars really blurred together making it difficult to judge how far a vehicle was.
After I got past the 4 way intersection I found a safe place to pull over just so that I can get myself together.
"What is wrong with me?" I thought.
my mom was watching Josiah at home so I am glad that I did not have him with me=-. I knew that I could not drive in my condition. There was no way I was going to take that chance. So I started calling around. my mom was on her way to pick me up. Lucky me that I was cleaning out the car that day and so Josiah's car seat was already left out and I have not put it back yet.
Now remember that list of things that tell you to call your midwife/OB if these happen? Well apparently spots in the vision are one of them. Since remembering this I called my midwife and I was not getting my phone call through  and I was kinda freaking out to not think to call another number at the hospital. I also remembered reading somewhere that a lady had this same issue, went into the ER and ended needing to be induced that day because preclampsia came out of nowhere. Just like me with a completely normal pregnancy and then all the sudden she had preclampsia.

Finally my mom got to where I was parked and I had her take me to the ER. Ben was still at work trying to get out and the  best that he could do was getting out of work at 8. I just told him to come straight to the hospital. Once he got there, my mom went home with Josiah so that she could put him to bed. Thank God for mothers, right?!
I got checked in through the ER, they had to send a guy from labor and delivery to pick me up with a wheel chair. Although I could walk I was really dizzy still and felt like I was going to walk into someone by accident every time I took a step.
So we got to L&D, got all checked in and hooked up and of course all of that, all of the warning signs of the spots in my vision were nothing.
Of course I have a Dr. that I never met telling me of all the things that it could have been.

All I did was do what I was told. It felt like they were talking to me like I was a child for coming in there for nothing. They could have at least assured me that coming in there was the right thing to do.

So a little low blood pressure is all it really was apparently. Which doesn't surprise me because I have always struggled with low blood pressure especially during pregnancy. The feeling of passing out happens quite a bit with me.

The fact that I could not see whatsoever and that I had spots in my vision making it nearly impossible to see is what made me go in. I don't regret going in because it really could have been something bad. I just wish that someone at the hospital would tell me that.

So that's my complaint for the day. I am sorry that you all had to hear me whine a little bit. Thanks for reading my annoying post. :)


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today was a good day. Not only was it a day of love, but Ben was able to spend the entire day with us. The morning started out with me making some breakfast for my boys.
Scrambled eggs, bacon and toast.
After breakfast, I packed a few snacks for Josiah and we headed on up to the hospital where we will be having our baby. They just opened up the new birth center and although my Doula and I got to see it together my husband hadn't yet. So on our way up we went.
When we were done looking at the new birth center, Ben had a good idea to take the long route home. Which included stopping by the falls on the way. I am sure glad we did too! It is a really long hike if you take the entire thing, but because of my pregginess I wasn't able to walk very far. I seriously waddled the entire time. We just walked/waddled as far as the first falls, it was absolutely beautiful out! It was cloudy and just a little chilly, which was perfect for walking cause I seem to work up a sweat everywhere I go nowadays.
On the way back to the car we stopped by the little nature shop. We got a super cute little crocheted owl hat which was meant for Josiah, but I ended up wearing it most of the time.

Finally we were headed home. A long drive, but beautiful and green! Oh how I love Oregon for this!
Got home, laid Josiah down for his nap and Ben and I went to rest as well. We were pretty much lazy for the rest of the afternoon. Around 5 we went back out, went to the mall and got me a pair of toms that I had been wanting/needing. I have a really used up gray pair that are on their last leg and I love how comfy they are.
Then we went to the Roadhouse restaurant(which ended up being a long wait). Had a yummy dinner with the family. Usually we try to do a romantic dinner with just Ben and I, but this time both the parents were busy with other things and so we had to deal with our little man this year. He didn't do too bad, he ate mac'n'cheese and ate pretty much all of it. Hopefully soon we can have a little night out on our own one more time before our 2nd little one is born.
I was kinda hoping for some action today in the labor department, but not much really went on. I had contractions after doing our mini hike, but they went away fairly quickly. Look like she's not ready today. Tomorrow maybe?
I guess we will see!
Happy Valentines Day to all you with lovers and singletons!
I wish the best for all the same!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

39 weeks

Only one week left to go till our little girls due date!
Today, my doula/friend went to my midwife appointment together. It was the first time that they got to meet each other. 
At this appointment, my midwife was willing to check me for dilation. To which I am going to be honest, I was a little bit disappointed  I mean, with it being my second baby you would think that with all these crazy "contractions" I am having would get me to a good 3! But nope! I am just 1 centimeter dilated! So all those BH contractions were not as progressive as I wanted them to be. I know that dilation only means so much and that some moms are a 3 for weeks before they have their baby. Some moms are also only 1 centimeter and end up having their baby that night or the next day! So although I am disappointed, I am not giving up hope! I still have my mind set for a natural birth and I hope to achieve that.

After the appointment, of course all went well with baby's heartbeat and my blood pressure was normal.
We went over to visit the new side of the hospital where they just built a brand new birthing center! It just opened yesterday! So it's super new! When Britney and I went over there, no one had their baby yet in any of the new rooms. They have 2 labor rooms with birthing tubs. They have beautiful views over looking the little town. The rooms are big and spacious and it all looks so relaxing! Yep, I think that i will do fine having my birth there! I am so looking forward to it! So while Ben wasn't able to come with me to this appointment and see the birthing center area with me today, we are going back up tomorrow to go and look at it. I think that he is looking forward to staying a night in one of those rooms too. haha 

To top off today, I was able to swing by my friends house who just had her baby a few days ago and give her new little family dinner. Oh, goodness, her little baby is just the sweetest thing. So little! I forgot how little they are, not only that but her baby was way under the average size/pounds than a normal baby. A tiny little girl of under 5lbs, but strong and healthy as can be! It was such a treat to be able to hold her baby. We both hope to have both our little girls growing up and playing in the church nursery together. :)

Now I am here, writing to you all. I took a nice long bath to help relax right before I climbed into my comfy king-size pillow top bed. Probably going to put on a cheesy favorite chick movie and fall asleep to that. I am ready for this little girl to arrive, her daddy and I are just waiting for her to decide the perfect day to come!

So I hope that you all have a Happy Valentines Day tomorrow! I am excited to spend the day with my hubby! 


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hospital Bag---Baby Version

Check out my mommy hospital bag here(coming soon)

She will pretty much be wearing the hospital stuff until we decide to go home. Again, it's not much!

Here is her list!

1 heavy car seat blanket
1 flannel "swaddle"blanket
2 newborn sleepers
1 newborn long sleeve onesie
2 pairs of socks
2 pairs of mittens
coconut oil
2 hats
1 adorable flower headband(for pictures)

That's it!
Let me know if you think that I may have left anything out!


Monday, February 11, 2013

Hospital Bag---Mommy Version

Check out my baby's hospital bag here(coming soon).

After having my first baby, I kinda knew what to bring and what not to bring.
There is a lot that I am not bringing and the reason for that is the hospital provides you with literally everything except for a change of clothes to go home in.
Hospitals purposely have everything on hand, just in case they get a person who is not prepared whatsoever.

Here is my list! 

3 nursing tank tops(1 of which I will be laboring in)
1 pair of comfy pants
3 pairs of granny panties
1 zip up hoody 
2 long sleeve comfy stretchy shirts
3 pairs of socks(1 of which have grippers)
1 pair of slippers
1 pair of comfy shoes
1 nursing cover
4 overnight pads(the hospital provides pads)
4 breast pads(just in case milk comes in earlier than expected--highly unlikely)

coconut oil?--its in baby's bag! I use this not only for her skin but for mine and for breastfeeding.

Last minute grabs:
phone charger
make up bag
I.D., insurance cards, birth plan etc.

Thats it! 

If you have questions or think that I might be missing anything, let me know! 


One day at a time...

I think that now that I am getting closer and closer to baby's DD, I thought that I would try to write daily to keep track of what is goin on.
Now this will be TMI and please, feel free to mention your input in the comments below! I love to hear how other mommies went into labor and what their experiences were with it.

Ill first start off on what happened a night ago. Sunday morning at about 1am I was having some pretty good cramping, I went to the bathroom because I was having loose stools and the cramping eased a little when I was sitting on the toilet. I sat there for probably almost an hour.
Once I thought that I was done I decided to lay on the bed and see if I can get some sleep between these so-called contractions. I had these pretty consistently for just over 2 hours! Breathing between each one, taking it one at a time. I really thought that i was going into labor. But sadly, in between one of them, I fell asleep and did not wake up till later that morning when my personal toddler alarm woke me up.
I was mad, yes, because I felt like all of that was for nothing!
But really, I know it's not for nothing because having these pains means that my body is getting itself ready. Maybe I dilated or effaced more than before? Who knows?!
So I went to church that morning with my family. Enjoying my time talking with all my lady friends. You never know if it'll be the last time before I have my baby. :)

Now this morning around 3 am, I woke up with a lot if pressure in my bum. Thinking that I needed to go to the bathroom, I went to go and and nothing. I was having cramping again, but not like the early morning before. I went to bed after about 10 minutes on the toilet of doing nothing.  Snuggled up next to my warm husband and went back to sleep. Now this morning at 8 am, I have Josiah up eating breakfast, still have the same pressure in my butt and have BH that follows the cramping. It is all pretty irregular. Back pain has been added to the list. All of it is very tolerable. My son doesn't like that I don't want to pick him up as often. So we snuggle on the couch instead. :) Every time I get these pains, so many thoughts run through my head.
Am I ready?
What are we gonna do about Josiah?
Can I handle labor and what it's all cut out for?
I get scared sometimes, thinking about these what ifs. I tell myself everyday that I can do it, I have pushed a baby out before you think that I would have it down by now. I know what to expect for the most part, but every labor is different. How can you be prepared for the surprises ahead?
Well that's all my thoughts for today.
See you all tomorrow!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Consignment Haul

If you ever hear of consignment sales in your area and if you have kids, be sure to stop by and just check them out at least! I save so much money by just taking the time to shop at these sales!

Here is my consignment haul of the day!

Thanks for watching!


Friday, February 8, 2013

Unplanned Hospital(L&D) Visit.

February 8th 2013

It's 4 am right now.
I am really sick, as in vomiting and diarrhea sick. I have had this sickness since 10pm last night, it really sucks.
( Tmi post btw, so if you don't want the gritty details, don't read!)
Apparently when you have these two things together, you run to the bathroom go to throw up and then poop yourself in the process. I was so embarrassed. My husband is so sweet and trying to be modest about it. He brought me a new pair of pants 2 times. 2 times I did this! I didn't even think about having a bucket to puke in while I'm on the toilet. Thank God for my smart hubby! I would have been pooping myself all night if it weren't for him. Also, baby girl is not moving like herself. I poked at her and did things that she responds to and I'm not liking how she isn't responding as well as the norm.
On and off like this since 10 and im starting to get worried. I haven't even able to keep anything down. Not even a few crackers and I think that I'm starting to get dehydrated, which is causing her from not moving so much. I'm going to drink this juice and hopefully it stays down long enough to get a little more action from her. If she doesn't start moving soon, I'm not gonna chance it and gonna call my midwife. I just don't want her in distress because if all this. Because of the throwing up, I have been getting cramps frequently on a off too. Last 3 times of running to the bathroom I have just been dry heaving, i have thrown up and pooped everything out of me i think. I'll wait about an hour before I call. Come on tummy, keep something down please!

20 min later--apple juice-fail. :(

It's 5:15am. Called my MW already and now just waiting for my husband. We are gonna have to take Josiah with us because I don't want my MIL to take time off if its not the real deal. So heading off to the 20 minute drive to the hospital.

It's now 6:45...almost 7.
in L&D, I am getting fluids and they wanted me to pee in a cup. With what pee? Exactly! First off I barely had any to give, secondly, while I was trying to pee in that tiny cup I was scared to accidentally poop in it. So, the nurse gets hardly no pee to send off. She wasn't too happy about that! But hey, at least I didn't give her poopy pee! ;) also, she had to take some blood and boy did it hurt! I usually don't mind it, but because of my dehydration, my vain isn't as easy to get blood from. She also seemed kinda new. So I got to sit here for an hour and receive fluids, I did give some non-puking med. so nice to not have that feeling of nausea constantly. Josiah and Ben are sitting right beside me watching TV. Waiting for the nurse in charge now to see what are next plan is.

7:30...finally got some water! I'm am so parched!

8:00...they really wanted me to pee again. I thought that I was ready but when I went to go, and again barely nothing. A little more than last time but still not much. I just got a new nurse, she is much more friendly than the first nurse. She said that she thinks that we can get a reading out of my tiny bit of pee. It's still a bit dark though. I'm about 1/4 into my second bag of fluid. Ben and Josiah are out getting breakfast.
I get bland toast. :/ they don't want me puking every where I guess. Once I got my breakfast I ate about 3 bites of toast and drank all my apple juice and milk. I just don't have an appetite.

8:30. My MW finally came in. She asked me a bunch of questions and said that after this second bag, I can go home. Contractions are irregular, and they aren't painful enough to keep me here. I can't wait to get home into my own bed and sleep for a few hours. She did mention that she was glad that I called. Dehydration and pregnancy is not good to have and I came in before it got too bad to keep me there overnight.Thank God for that mother's intuition right?

10:45. Finally home at last. It took a little while to get out of there. The second bag of fluid took a lot longer than the first bag. I did end up falling asleep waiting for my body to soak up the fluid, after not getting any sleep that night I needed it. There was a mix up with the nurse and my mw, but we got it all taken care of. We were just waiting for the mw to talk to the nurse personally before letting me go home. I was offered the anti-vomit medication, in case I needed it for home. I think that I'll just wait till I really feel bad again to call in a prescription. I still feel a little nauseous, but not to the point where it makes me REALLY sick. Cramps are on and off still, not painful like last night. Feeling much better and ready to get some sleep. That poor husband of mine hasn't had much sleep either these past few days, and he has to go back to work. :( 

This was a rough night and I hope that I don't have to go through this again. There really isn't a good, solid explanation for my severe sickness. After 8 hours of throwing up every 30min to 2 hours, I was getting dizzy, couldn't keep a thing down(not even water)my lips and throat were dry, I was not as quick to react. It was scary, but I went with my gut to call and it was worth it!

Things that I have learned:
  • mothers intuition is not bologna.
  • IV's sometimes really do hurt when a newbie nurse is drilling a needle into your vain.
  • Taking an IV out hurts just as bad--but not as long.
  • Always wear depends(adult diapers) when you have nastys coming out of both ends, especially for the car ride to the hospital
  • bring an extra pair for coming home in(in case the first one gets soiled)
  • I was right when I thought that baby girl was a little distressed (after half a bag of fluid her heart rate went back to normal)
  • hearing my baby's heart beat on the monitor lulls me to sleep every time--without fail
  • don't take your husbands grumpiness seriously
  • don't be overwhelmed by all the food the hospital gives to you.
  • don't take it personally when the hospital staff takes longer than your husband likes to discharge your butt out of there.
  • the gel from the monitors make my tummy itchy
  • the velcro to which they strap around you is itchy
  • take the hospitals water jug home with you(I love my new water jug) ;)
  • Dehydration causes false labor as well as vomiting like I was.(I got a little taste of what labor really was though!)
That's it for my awful night. I hope that you didn't get too grossed out with all my poopy and vomit talk. Going to get some sleep, hopefully Josiah will cooperate and actually nap for me!
Good night! or is is Good day?


Thursday, February 7, 2013

38 weeks

Not much to update on. Just having a lot of Braxton Hicks on and off. Every night in bed before I go to sleep I get the dull cramping. At least once a day I get the stabbing pain in my vag. Hopefully all this is doing something down there! ;) Also, I believe that baby girl has dropped! As in I can breathe and I feel like I don't have bruised ribs anymore! I have to pee a lot more and I waddle just a little bit, but it beats having sore ribs all the time!
I go into my 38 week midwife appointment next Wednesday, and she is wanting to see if I have dilated or not. I would love to be a 4 or 5! Haha! Like that'll happen! But hey, a momma can wish right? ;)

I have been cleaning like a mad woman lately. Which is awesome! I was waiting for this day to come. I have already had the nesting part where I organize everything. Who knew that there were 2 different kinds of nesting?! While I was cleaning the shower this morning, I was getting cramps like crazy! Put a little elbow grease into your bathroom and you might go into labor right? Well not for me. :/ Not today at least.

I feel like I am going back and forth on whether or not when I want to go into labor. I am so anxious to meet my baby girl but I really want to wait till after 39 weeks to have her. Having your baby at 39 weeks or after has so many great benefits. Everything is just...well...better! So although I want the good benefits of waiting till that time, I am getting impatient.  I don't feel large and overwhelmed with my belly, but I am tired of sharing it. I wasn't really big with Josiah and with this one, it's the same. Every time someone has asked me how far along I am, they are always surprised. Which is somewhat annoying because then they go on to ask you "Are you sure?" "Are you eating enough?" "Where are you hiding it?" etc. 
Josiah was 7lbs 6oz, which is super average(i think). I asked my mom the other day how big I was and she said that I was pretty small too. Like 6 lbs small. Girls tend to be smaller than boys, so if my baby girl is a little petite thing, I don't care. :) She will be a happy healthy little girl. That's all that I care about.

Enough of that rant, lets go to the topic of packing the hospital bags. Nope they aren't done yet. I probably should get onto that. Honestly, I just don't care to pack them. It's not that I am not prepared, it's more like I just don't want too. Everything else seems more important to do than to do that. But maybe that's what I will do this evening, I gotta do it sometime right? might as well be when I am 38 weeks. ;)

That's it for this week! See you all(hopefully)next week for the 39 pregnancy update! 


Week 38 pregnancy vlog
(pretty much a repeat of what's above)

baby gifts-baby buys-mommy buys-postpartum buys

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

That Moment...

...where you come back out to your car and someone parked so close to your drivers side door that you had to maneuver your pregnant butt over the passenger side to get to the driver side.
Good thing my sons carseat wasn't on the driver side also!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Not Yet Baby!

Right after my midwife appointment today, in the car ride on the way home, I was having some pretty intense cramping and tightening in my tummy. They were so bad that I had to close my eyes for a few minutes just to catch my breath. They definitely took me by surprise and they were so sudden! We were almost home when my husband asked me if I was alright and if the baby was coming. I just laughed and said no babe, even if she were to come it won't be for awhile yet. He was a little freaked out, I think that my closed eyes and slow breathing was getting to him. He told me, "she better not be coming! I already took a day off to be sick last week and our paycheck will suck if I have to take a few more!" haha, that silly husband of mine. I had to agree though, this would be too early for me.
We still had our bible study to go to at 6, and I figured that if these crampy pains were to keep up the whole time I would just drive home and pack our very unprepared hospital bags. Good thing they calmed down a bit when I got out of the car and walked around a little bit. Went to the bathroom and I felt even better.
Even right now, it's 9:30 and I still have them off and on, not intense at all just dull and annoying as usual.
I had pains for 3 days before I had my son, I wonder if it's going to be the same for this one?
I guess that this is just part of what my body needs to do to get ready.
Every pregnancy, labor, and baby is different. So I guess we will see how this night goes. ;)
The next appointment that I have is next Wednesday the 13th, my midwife has offered to check me at that appointment. I'll be 38 weeks by then, she wouldn't check my cervix any earlier than that. So I'm OK with getting checked, I actually do want to see how far I might be. I have been doing all sorts of different things to get my body ready to deliver this baby. Everything from walking, to sex to vitamins, I am getting my body prepared. 
Well, those are my thoughts for tonight, I am gonna go to sleep now. Gonna get some rest, and you know what? I am going to skip another night of packing those hospital bags, because I am just not ready to do that. Hopefully this baby will understand that mommy is just not ready for her to come. She can stay in for another day or two or more! I am going to enjoy her while she is still moving inside me.
