Thursday, June 27, 2013

A little update on our little family

It seems like I say this every time when i don't write a blog for a long time and I'm going to say it anyway just...well...just because. ;)
It's been so long and I am sorry that I have been MIA. 
There isn't really a good excuse as to why I have not been writing. Not a lot has been going on. We are mostly busy being a family. :)

Josiah is learning new words everyday still. We make conversations over mealtimes and before and after bedtimes. He is probably the best big brother in the world. He has made up a name for Eden all by himself. One day he just started saying it. If you point to his little sister and ask who she is he will say, "Meme!" He loves her so much and helps out with her by patting her tummy and back when she's crying. He plays with her and shows her his favorite toys telling her what they are and such. He always kisses her every chance he gets. I honestly thought the opposite with this kid. He has a kind gentle heart to everyone. Yes, he has his moments, but for the most part he is pretty easy going. 

Eden is rolling over now. Both ways! She smiles so much when she comes into contact with anybody. Laughing is probably the hardest thing to get out of her. Her tickle spots are hard to get. Breastfeeding has been an amazing experience with her. No major challenges yet! I haven't had any problems with supply. After the first 6 weeks it has been smooth sailing with her. She is very much attached to me I have noticed. If she is not with me its just a matter of minutes before she starts crying. There are very few people that she tolerates(you know who you are);). I guess the attachment come with the breastfeeding. Josiah was never like this(he was mostly formula/bottle fed)
She is 4 months now, we are going to be celebrating her 1/2 year birthday party next month when she is 5 months. 

Now about me. :)
I have been getting fit and feeling good. I haven't really lost anymore weight, but instead my body is getting more toned. For a long time now I have been wanting to start running again. Since I have started running I feel stronger and more energized in my days. I have gone from fast walking a half a mile to now I can run a little over a mile with just a few days a week. I have to be careful when I run because not only can it affect my milk supply I can get really bad asthma attacks. I have been training my body to do what i t used to and I hope to be able to run a couple 5Ks next summer as well as a couples mud run with Ben. I am so happy that I am getting back into shape. Ben has picked up working out too. We want to be energized parents that get out and do stuff with out kids. We are outdoorsy type of people and are excited for this summer of zoo trips and camping with the kiddos.

That's about it for out little family update. Still adjusting to our adorable new addition and loving what our family is becoming. I can honestly say that right now I am happy with 2 kids. But I think that once I see all the babies that my lovely friends are having I'm going to start having that itch again. Darn babies. Why do they have to be so cute and their mothers so happy when they bring them into this world. ;)

We have decided that there will be no talk of having #3 till Eden is 2+ years. We love the idea of having 2 kids wait 4-5 years and have another 2(or 3). It all kinda depends on where we are at in life and what God's plans are. Both our babies were pretty much planned.

Thanks for reading guys. I hope that you all have an amazing summer.


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