Monday, October 14, 2013

Our Small Story.

Im sleeping upstairs tonight.(hubby too)
Night #3 of doing this.
I am sleep training my daughter.
Not really my preferred method.  I actually HATE the cry it out (CIO) method. But I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't sleep for only one hour at a time. I felt like it was making me a very mean, short tempered wife and mother during the day.
So here we are. Eden only cried twice last night and both times ended within a matter of just 5 minutes. Its getting better and im happy about it. Another thing is that when I went to get Eden up this morning she was all smiles when she saw me. That little girl still loves me even though I made her soothe herself to sleep. I don't feel as guilty(or as tired) for doing it.
Today was a crazy day, but I still was able to do more than the norm. Besides the slight backache from sleeping on the couch I felt better this morning than I have in awhile.

My children definitely keep me on my toes. We had to take Josiah to an emergency doctor appointment this morning. 

First, let me explain to you about how Josiahs sickness is. Anytime that he gets a cold he most of the time get asthma like symptoms. So resulting in that I give him everything that we have on hand at home, an inhaler, a nebulizer treatment. I try everything possible so that we don't have to go to the doctor. Most of the time it doesn't work that way. So when none of those things work we go to Urgent Care or the ER and they give us the same thing over and over again. They end up giving us steroids for him to breathe better. I hate giving him steroids. It makes him hyper and out of control. This type of thing happens a lot in the early morning. I mean like 3 a.m. in the morning. When you have to to take care of two the next day it makes it hard. Thankfully I have my husband who is so patient an awesome to take Josiah to the ER for me when this happens.

Ive had problems in the past with urgent care and the ER. We get into the room quickly cause with Josiahs sickness he is top priority.  We get what we need done but then we end up waiting 45 minutes to an hour just to be released. 
So I made an appointment this time knowing that will be taken care of by our doctor and we can discuss his problems. We are going a different route this time. I have high hopes that this treatment that we're going to try is going to help tremendously.
After the appointment we went to the pharmacy. I waited in line as usual. Of course, they told me that I have to wait at least an hour to get his medication. Which is really irritating because once they get the order in they're supposed to start on it right away. With his situation he is considered top priority. My poor little boy had the hardest time breathing already and I had to wait an hour with 2 kids. I didn't know what to do. So, I went home and we got some things  taken care of and I was able to go out again to finally get the medication and come home again.

It breaks my heart to see him struggling to breathe. I use to have to take an inhaler and everything he did, so I know exactly how it feels. But to be only 2 years old and not understand what is happening is so sad.

As of right now my house is a mess. My children are sound asleep in their beds. My husband is sound asleep next to me. I'm awake watching Dancing with the Stars. And I just think how blessed I am. I looked at the prescription that the doctor gave to Josiah and I am so happy that insurance is going to be fully covering his treatment. If it were not for this we would have an extra $129 bill to pay for his medication.

Pray that this works for us. This medication will be given to him all through the winter and then we will evaluate with his doctor in the spring to see how its working.

I am not loving the fact that he is getting medication every day. But I am loving that this may be a solution for him and reduce visits to the ER for major steroids.
He may grow out of this.
He may not.

I love my little man and seeing him today be really snuggly and sweet to me when we got home just made my heart melt.
"Thank you mommy."
Smiling I said, "I love you Josiah."
"I love you too."
Even with this stressful day he made me feel so much better.

Thank you God for my strong sweet boy. Thank you for showing me kindness through him and making me want to be a better mommy to him.

1 comment:

  1. aww, poor little man! Glad you're getting some sleep away from Eden - I know what you mean about tired mommy=crabby mommy! lol
