Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Keeping Busy with the Blustery Blues

I love to keep myself extremely busy during the fall and winter months.

Although I absolutely love this season, I start to not feel so happy. 
The dark, rainy days really get to me and when I am in my house with my kids for so long without getting out I start to be a very inpatient mother who ends up being short tempered and mean.
I get lazy, I am okay with laying on the couch all day with some coffee and tea. Good thing my kids keep me super busy through out the day along with the little girl that is Edens age. All three of them keep me on my toes. I probably would be a hermit and 100 pounds overweight if it wasn't for them. 

I try to get out of the house as much as possible with the kids. For sure we go out at least once a week. That would be our Thursday morning bible studies. If we do more then that then I have a book study 2 Fridays a month with some awesome moms. Wednesdays is infant/toddler story time at the library. Mondays are filled with grocery shopping or doctor appointments. The only time that I really don't go out is the days that I am baby sitting. Normally I would babysit Tuesdays and Thursdays but because of the bible study being on Thursdays we have switched it temporarily to Wednesdays.

When Ben comes home we go out of the house after dinner just to get out sometimes.
Thursday nights are our date night, that could be anything from shopping for thing that we need cause I can't do a lot of shopping with the kids being so little still. Or we do a movie with dinner. It depends on what time of the month it is whether we do something big or not. My mother enjoys watching the kiddos so it is really nice for us to spend some time together as husband and wife.

With Ben having set days off we can actually go to the pumpkin patch with the kids. Sundays we have church and in those afternoons we are a lazy family with football or a movie.

I know that getting out with the kids is hard for some, but for me its a must. It makes the cold dark days go faster. My children seem less grumpy. They sleep better at night and eat more dinner. 
Maybe it's because we have a smaller place with not a ton of room with Josiah to play. But getting out is what works for us!

What do you do to keep you and your kids busy?


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