Thursday, July 25, 2013

Potty Training

Josiah is almost 2 1/2 years old. He has been showing some signs of ready to be potty trained for awhile now. Just recently I have been motivated to do it. My friend is getting her daughter(who is just over 1 1/2 years) to go potty and that kinda motivated me. Also, I figured that summertime would be the time to do it! He won't be freezing his little buns off with this 80-90 degree.

So far training a boy hasn't been too bad. He still has his mistakes.

On day one he had a lot of accidents. The first thing I did in the morning was explain to him, no more diapers! You are a big boy now! Time to go pee pee on the potty like mommy and daddy. "OK" he said. :) Then I showed him his big boy potty and we practiced a few times getting on and off the potty.
He peed more on the floor than in the potty that day. He probably did a couple of drops in the toilet.

Day 2 we were still getting use to it but he was determined. He peed a total of 4 times in the potty!! We still had to remind him quite a few times but he went in the right place!

This is day 3 of doing this and he has not peed on my floor yet! yay!
This morning was a huge deal because he woke up with a completely dry diaper! He peed all of his nighttime pee in the potty(which was a lot!). Not something that I was expecting. Way to go kid! I made him a special breakfast this morning because of it. Pancakes with strawberries and blueberries. yum! I even let him pour his own syrup. I was so proud of him that we had to celebrate some how. 
"Thank you" he said after his breakfast. He must have loved it! :)

The only thing that we still need to work on is the poop. Good thing I stocked up on carpet cleaner spray(I use the pet kind). Cause I have been cleaning up lots of those kinds of messes lately. Gross I know, but this is reality folks! 

We aren't at the end of the road yet, we still have a long while off but I am excited for him. 

Something that did happen this morning that I forgot to mention. He did have a small accident. He was right in the middle of pooping. He yelled "OH OH!!" mid-poop and ran to the toilet. 
Well at least he gets it! He had to clean up his poop mess just like all the other messes.
 I make him help me clean up his accidents, I think that helped with this process a lot.

I just want to put some pointers out there to moms who want to potty train their little boy and if your little man is ready, he should pick up on this potty training thing real quick.

I cloth diaper, but this can pertain to anyone really. Just be prepared for a lot of washing for awhile!

Put away all things that go on your childs bum that will make him/her feel dry when they wet.

Disposable diapers have a liner that will make them feel dry when they pee. If you cloth diaper and you use some of the fancy kinds they may have a stay dry inner liner. They need to feel wet when they pee, otherwise how would they know if they made an accident?
Use underwear and if you are concerned about the pee get those plastic pants that pull up.
We started using prefolds with covers for when he naps so he feels wet if he pees in his bed.

Naked time is better than you think.

All day at home we do naked time. Yes, it calls for a lot of pee messes, but they understand when they have made an accident. Also, they might have a hard time trying to figure out how to get their underwear down. They might make an accident by the toilet if they are struggling to pull down their underwear. If they are unfamiliar with undressing themselves then naked time at home is the way to go! 

Don't forget the potty!

I recommend getting the ones that go over the toilet that you already have. We have one that is small and sits closer to the floor but we never use it. We actually use it as a step stool to get to his regular potty. It's not like mommy and daddys potty so it's harder for him to envision peeing in it right now. It'll be easier for him to pee in it when he's a bit older.

Pottying on the Go?

For now we just put him on the public pottys backwards. You'll have to take their pants completely off to do this but it works! Or, you can get an on the go potty chair that fold up really nicely to go in your purse or diaper bag.
Here is one that walmart sells, pretty sure that you can get them anywhere though.
>>>>>>Travel Potty Seat<<<<<<
Well I think that's all I have to say. I have said pee, poop and potty more than I should have probably.

Hope these little things help! If there is anything else that I should add to my list then let me know!! I would love to know what you moms did to get your toddler on the pottying track!


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