Friday, April 12, 2013

Cloth diapering a newborn

Cloth diapering my little girl has actually been really easy!
Besides a few user errors of leaks, it's been enjoyable.
What makes the most sense of why I cloth diaper my newborn is the fact that my son is still in (cloth)diapers. So when in the process of making this decision i thought, "Why not?!"
If I am already going to be washing his, what's an extra bit of a load going to matter?

What about the poop?
My son's poo I have to get off in the toilet, I use my shower head to spray all the ickies off into the toilet. It doesn't bug me whatsoever to do that. However, doing newborn diapers are totally different! So much easier! I promise! If you exclusively breastfeed(EBF) your baby you don't have to rinse the poo off in the toilet. Breastfed(BF) poo is completely water soluble. At night I just wipe her with a cloth wipe and throw both into my diaper pail and wallah! It's the same effort as a disposable!

Do cloth diapers(CDs) hold more?
I think so! I have had about 3-4 blow outs that don't really blow out of the diaper. All the poo stays in. Pretty awesome to not have to change clothes every time this happens if you ask me.

(That nasty sticky tar poo) Every one has told me that this stuff stains diapers. For us, not true. The yellow BF poo stains WAY worse! Also, the meconium seemed to come off her hiney a lot easier this time around.

Kinds of diapers that I use?
I use all the different kinds that you can think of. I like all of them for different times of the day.
Fitteds and prefolds at night because they hold the most liquid and I only have to change her every other time.
AIOs, pockets and hybrids during the day because they are the easiest for us on the go.

My most favorite brand of diapers that I have come to love is the Fuzibunz xsmall. I kinda knew that I would like these in the first place because of how well the other sized Fuzibunz fit my son now.
My least favorite is probably the Grovia newborn AIO. They always had a problem wicking onto clothing and they didn't have the stay dry for the little bum which I think may have caused the huge rash on her hiney that is still taking awhile to get rid of. They also did not hold as much liquid as I would have liked. Maybe Eden is a heavy wetter than most, but these seemed to have not worked as well for us this time around. Not saying that this is a bad diaper, but for us it wasn't working out. Some people have had good luck with these, and some people don't.

I just want to let you all know that this is my honest opinion. I am not getting paid to promote anything that I have mentioned. I like to let people know what works for me so that maybe you can do your own research and get the best of what you pay for.

Here is a list of my newborn cloth diaper stash


  1. I agree about the fb. I only have 2 and they are the ones I use at night. I have been loving flats and thirsties covers. I also am very happy about how the rumparoos one size covers fit. Thank you for posting.

  2. no problem, thank you for your input.
