Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tidy Home...Not!

As I am sitting here, typing and nursing my newborn, I realize just how badly untidy my house is.

I have a consignment in May that I am apart of so there are hangers and piles clothes every where.
The main bathroom hasn't been cleaned since I've had my baby. I have taken a rag to it here and there, but I haven't been able to get down on my hands and knees to get to the nitty gritty.
We are planning on moving out of our house one way or another by summertime, so I have been trying to go through our stuff, organizing it and such.
Everyone has one of these--the place where everyone puts there stuff--bills, keys, coupons, trash in corner of the kitchen is over loaded and needs to be looked through.
I have to get my license before the end of this month, preferably without any of the kids.
The carpet still needs my special spring clean treatment.
The outside of our house needs some attention too.

I kinda feel like I am failing as a wife and mother to not be able to keep up with the over load of house work that needs to be done.
It makes it extra hard when I have a little girl that is so attached to me that I have to carry her in a Moby around the house all the time. I have been up to my ears in appointments for myself and both the kids. Most of which is just routine. 
I find it a successful day when I can get the laundry done and dishes cleaned with dinner on the table on time.
Some days, this does not happen.
I miss my clean home. :/  I miss not stepping on a lego. I miss not injuring myself by accidently kicking his buzz lightyear across the floor. I know to not sweat the small stuff, but when the small stuff has been bugging you for a month or two, it kinda gets to you. I guess I could do all these things when the kids are both down for bedtime, but that's the only quiet time that I get with my husband. That time before bed is so precious to us and is much needed.

Looks like my daughter is done nursing now so time for me to attempt to tackle that bathroom.

How do you mommies do it? Do you just keep dealing with it for a few more months? Hire a housekeeper? What?!

My little mess maker
but I wouldn't trade him for a house keeper! ;)

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