Friday, April 26, 2013

My Little Man

Playing at Nana's house.

Seriously I just love this kid. 
I get a lot of "He should be learning this by now." or "Why can't he say certain words?"
I am done listening to "them". I am going with my gut instinct on how to teach him and it's not forcing him to sit in a chair and look at flash cards all day.

Well, I did buy flash cards, but we do this when he is willingly sitting next to me while I am nursing his sister. He points and says the ones he knows and he has learned a few of these cards.
 He's 2(and 2 months ;))! He is the type of kid that learns by touching, feeling, doing it himself.
I have to warn Ben every time he does something, because it takes just one time for this kid to know how to do what you just did by just watching you one time. 
Opening doors, unlocking doors. opening the fridge, putting a toy together correctly. 
He knows how to get into my iPhone and get into the game that is meant for him by himself.
He knows how to call Grandma up on my phone.
You name it, this kid may not say a ton of words, but he makes up for it 10xs with his knowing how to do things.
I swear this is kid is going to be a baseball player someday! He literally throws the ball right at you, seriously, I am not bluffing whatsoever.
He has a sweet heart, hugs and kisses for his family, even his baby sister who he yells at to be quiet while she is screaming in the car. He still loves her.
He doesn't throw a fit when another kid takes a toy away(only when mommy or daddy does)he just walks away and finds something else to play with.
At around 18 months of age he found out how much he did not like food on his hands. This resulted in using a fork and spoon really well for the first time. Today he eats with kitchen utensils every time and always asks for them. He prefers a regular cup over a sippy cup. He always wants to eat and drink out of the same exact things that Ben and I are. 
He loves book! He has a few favorites that I have needed to fix with packing tape because he loves them so much. His favorite is a pumpkin book that his Grandma Wendy got him for Halloween. He opens it up and looks at the pictures and pretends to read them

He is a daddy's boy! He loves me, but when daddy is home and around I am chopped liver till he leaves again. Every McDonald's that we pass by, Josiah points and asks where's papa?  Every time I am talking on the phone he always asks to talk to papa. 
Daddy always gets the BEST pictures!

Yes, he calls his daddy papa right now, not sure where he got that because I always say daddy when I am talking about Ben. He's got his own names for everyone.
ran-pa-pa     Grandpa
Gai-Gai     Aunt Casey
Eeeee      baby sister Eden
mama       me :)
ran-ma-ma       Grandma Wendy
nana        Grandma Laura       
He says other things that only Ben and I can make out. It takes a little more effort from others.
uck      milk
duce       juice
up          up
kiki       dog
chus        shoes
suks         socks
ook         book
attermelon      watermelon(weird that he can say that one)
racker           cracker
kiki          cookie
it's gaud           it's good
ulco           apple
nana         banana
grips       grapes
So many more words that I can't think of right now.

Nope he doesn't say as many words as some 2 year olds are expected and the words are hard to make out sometimes. He may have to take speech therapy in the future, he wouldn't be the first in his family to do so.

I am not going with what the world says any more, I am doing what I can as a mom so that he learns. I am not going to force him, I will try and teach him while he plays. When we are outside, we ask him to repeat certain things and we talk to him like any body else.
He is my awesome little man that is super smart and is learning and growing everyday.

Playing in the dirt-cause that's how they learn.
Thank you for reading about my favorite boy. My kids are my world and my husband my best friend.
I am so happy for the little family that God has given me.


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