Friday, May 3, 2013

Eden: 10 weeks

She is still breastfeeding like a champ and growing like a weed! At her last doctors appointment we got her shots, weight, and height. She is now 10lbs 6oz and 22 inches long. The average is that she is in the 47th percentile overall. I have never heard the percentiles for my kids until now. 
She is starting to coo and smile, these last few days she has very recently laughed. Such an adorable laugh that I come to tears. *Sniff*
She is(and has been for awhile)out of her newborn clothes, yet her 3 month clothes are a little loose. She is in that in between stage of clothing. 
Over the last 2 weeks she has formed a lovely bald spot on the back of her head..:/ She only is on her back to sleep at night and maybe 2xs during the day. All the other times she is on her tummy or being worn by me.
Here is a little bit of her. We love and adore her. Her brother treats her so well that I don't think that we will have problems with boys in the future. ;)



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