Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I had a routine with Josiah, he was the easy one to fall asleep on his own. When he was Edens age I would just leave him in his crib and he would fall asleep all by himself in his quiet dark room.

Eden is a whole other story. This girl will only fall asleep if she is a.)rocked or b.)nursed.
I really don't mind too much, but this might become a problem when she is a little older. I have a swing that is wonderful but she will outgrow it someday. I don't want her to rely on me to get her to sleep. I am not a fan of the cry it out method at this age because she is still quite new to the world.

Since birth I have only swaddled her at night to get her to sleep long stretches. She sleeps anywhere from 6 hours to 9 hours. This is so nice!
Daytime sleeping is a lot more challenging. She has the hardest time with it.
I just realized last night that maybe I should start a routine with her. Duh!
Breastfeeding is established, she nurses every 2 hours to sometimes 4 hours, and it would be nice to have a break from the both of them at the same time.
Why didn't I think of this before? Probably because I have ultra mommy brain and I thought that I knew it all. ;)Well I just proved my self wrong! haha!

Wanna know what else is awesome? She won't take a binky from me. Nope! I still take one in the diaper bag just in case for the sitters, but she only wants one thing from mom.

Today I have started the routine process. I have realized that I don't really know what the heck I am doing sometimes and about %99.99 of the time I am just winging it. Is that what all of you moms do? Just go with your gut and hope it works? So now I swaddle her for nap times for now. I want to get this thing going and I figure since she sleeps so well swaddled, I might as well use that to my advantage. Eventually I will wean her from swaddle in the daytime once she has her routine down. Nighttime swaddles usually stay till she can break out of it and/or roll over.

My routine process for today has started like this with just my kids:

  • Wake up at 8 feed Eden
  • 8:30 get Josiah's breakfast going and wake him up
  • 9-9:30 swaddle Eden to sleep
  • 10 get Josiah a snack
  • 11:30-12 wake Eden and nurse
  • 12-12:30 Josiah lunch
  • After lunch Josiah nap 
  • 1:00 swaddle Eden to sleep
  • 3-4 nurse Eden
  • 3-4 wake Josiah from nap-then a snack
  • 5-5:30-swaddle Eden-start dinner after
  • 7-7:30 bathtime for both kids
  • 8:00 Josiah bedtime(Ben puts Josiah to bed)
  • 8-9 nurse Eden then swaddle
Well that's what my day looks like with the kiddos.
When we are out and about we don't really change the plans for the kids. Eden sleeps really well in her car seat and/or being worn and Josiah can do without a nap if needed. 
I always take a shower at night. I used to take one in the morning before the kids got up. That changed once I got spit up on too many times during the day resulting in another shower. So night time showering it is. :)

Besides, that gives me the chance to shower with my hubby ;) ;)--if ya know what I mean. haha!

When did you mommas start a routine with your little one? If you have more than one kid, was one harder than the other?


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