Monday, May 13, 2013

My New "Diet".

Most everyone can tell that I have lost a good amount of weight. Although I am still 10-15 lbs from my final goal weight I am healthier than I have ever been.

Breastfeeding has helped tremendously! I eat as much as I did when I was pregnant and the "diet" from pregnancy has not changed.
My soda habits are still kinda bad(3-4xs a week) but it is a lot better than before! If I do drink soda then I try and drink more water that day then any other.
I eat more fresh fruits and veggies. I always try and include a fruit and/or veggie in every meal and in at least one of my snack times. I have 2 snacks a day in between meals. I have to have something to eat in between otherwise I would eat 2xs more at a meal. Which to me is not the greatest thing to do and it makes me feel pretty crummy afterwards if I do eat a lot at a time.
I am active with my son, we go out of the house at least 2xs a week. Once to the library for toddler story time and once to the park. When Ben is home we try and take him out to the park more than that. Get that active toddler energy out! Makes for a sound sleeper too!

I meal plan now. My husbands schedule is always kind of wonky every week, so once I get his weekly schedule I go off to write out a meal plan.
The days that Ben works late at night and cannot eat dinner for us I prepare a salad for myself and a Josiah friendly dinner for little man. That usually consists of leftovers or a fun night of corn dogs or homemade mac'n'cheese. To save some money I sometimes go over to my parents house if Ben is working. I get a nice break when I do that and Josiah loves to play at Nana's house! ;)

All the other nights I try and make completely different meals throughout the week.
One night it'll be a beef or hamburger dish.
Another night I'll do a chicken dish.
Then a dish that I include fish in.

This makes leftovers extra yummy and a lot to choose from for my lunches.
Also, most meals that I make that freeze nicely I make extras of and throw it in the freezer for a few weeks. I love doing this! I get more time with my family when I do it this way. I prepare the extra dishes when both my kids are cooperative for nap times.

Wow. I just realized that this blog post went from my "diet" to meal planning! haha! maybe I should get off of here before I get myself into trouble. ;)

Meal planning helps me to look for yummy healthy recipes-coupon great deals and if you do it right, makes the food budget go just a little bit longer. :)

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