Monday, August 29, 2011

Josiah's first Zoo trip.

We had so much fun at the zoo, our friend Jamie came with us to hang out and walk around to look at the animals too.
With it being Josiahs first experience he did surprisingly well, he didn't fuss a whole lot, and when he did we just took him out of his stroller and carried him. He got a closer look at the animals when we did that anyway.
Daddy had so much fun, showing his handsome son off to all the ladies. It was great!
I even have some great pics of my favorite animals too.

Proud daddy showing off his son



And my favorite animal, Elephant

Friday, August 19, 2011

Josiah is 6 months old! My how the time flys!

My baby boy is 6 months old!
So for this occasion we celebrated his birthday at my parents house. But mainly this was more of an excuse for a BBQ with family. :)
He had so much fun! Unfortunately he was really tired so he wasnt able to have a little taste of his cake.
He did get some new awesome toys from the grandparents though! A walker from my parents and a toy from my husbands parents. Josiah LOVED both the toys very much, he played and played like crazy. The toy that grandma and grandpa Barrows got him made him shriek so loud with delight it made us all laugh hysterically. I have never seen him that excited over anything. It was a great day.


Kind of last minute decor, but it still turned out great!

My happy Josiah, playing with one of his new toys

Grandpas and Josiah 

Grandmas and Josiah

Sitting up so well in his walker

This picture is so precious

Why did I do a 1/2 year b-day party? Well look at it this way, he'll never have another 1/2 birthday party, a good oppurtunity for family to get together too. Also my last reason, his birthday is in February, and I don't know about you, but I know that it's a little bit more limited celebrating birthdays in winter than in the summer. We all had so much fun and I don't regret it for anything.

Anyway back to the normal stuff...

Update on Josiah...he is very mobile. I put him on the floor on one side of the room and I go downstairs to switch laundry really quick. I come back upstairs and he's already in the middle of the room making his way to the other side.
This morning, while I was still sleeping Ben was getting up for work. Josiah was already up at that point, playing and cooing in his crib. Ben has the bright idea to put him in our bed with me. As soon as he puts Josiah down on our bed I finally wake up and Josiah is rolling everywhere! I had to put my hand on the kid so that he wouldn't fall off the bed.
I"ve also noticed that he is nearly crawling, he is growing up too fast for me. I just want time to stop so that I can enjoy his infantcy just a bit longer.
He LOVES to eat, esspecially applesauce. He eats that up like a champ, constantly opening up his mouth for more, and if I'm not going fast enough for him he nearly starts throwing a fit! So funny!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why do I make homemade baby food?...Why not!?

It's so easy!
I mean of course you need to make sure that the food that you do make for your infant dosen't make his tummy hurt, gassy, or is not a common known allergen. When you go into a store you can see some examples of food that is already made, but think to yourself, that would be so easy to make and SO much cheaper.
So alot of the things that I tried to make and worked out AMAZING are:
Squash (butternut squash in the winter is the most nutrient)
Fresh Grean Beans (these are a hard to blend)
Carrots (also difficult to blend)
Peas (I did frozen but because they contain salt with the frozen peas I just rinsed them off really good, which is something you should do anyway with ALL fruits and veggies that you and your baby eat.)
Zuccini Squash
Just steam the chopped veggies till soft, then put the whole thing (steamed water and all) blend them in a blender. I got a super great one from our wedding 3 years back that I am finally using :). I have come to find out that the food is MUCH brighter and you know exactly what is going into your baby's food.
Also, if you want to make alot at one time, cause most of us mommies don't have the time to make it every meal, so to make ahead of time take one of the ice trays in your freezer or buy new ones just for food making, and put your food in the clean and sanatized trays into the freezer. Takes about nearly a day to be all the way frozen.
After it's completely frozen I usually pop out the food into little baggies to store in your freezer better.
When you are ready to use it, just throw one of the premade cubes in the microwave, til its soft enough to stir. Make sure you check the temperature of your baby food before serving, so that its not too hot for your baby.
Trust me, you'll enjoy the results and if too watery just add baby cereal till it comes to your desired thickness.

Here some others things that I recommend NOT buying baby food in the little premade containers:
Ripe Bananas (If they are soft enough, they are easy to mash with a fork)
No Sugar Added Applesauce in the BIG container (those little baby food containers cost much more than just buying the bulk, I end up eating some of it anyway :))
So there you have it, affordable and easy to make baby food!


Monday, August 8, 2011

There goes Josiah's Daddy! To the Rescue!

So last night was...well I guess you could say that it was interesting. For never in my life would I have ever expected it.
First of all Josiah has been teething again, with his second tooth about ready to pierce through poor little guy is in pain and is constantly chewing on everything that you give him. When this does happen, he dosen't sleep very well at all, wakes up at 3am then 5am until he gets maybe a little bit of food to calm him down.
Well last night was very different from every other night, just because I'm the one that always gets up with Josiah. Ben works nearly 50+ hours a week so it only makes sense that I get up with our son to tend to his needs. Which I am totally ok with.
At about 3am last night I heard a very loud scream coming from Josiahs bedroom. Even with my worry I didn't even have any time to react when Ben was already in Josiah's bedroom calming him down. Josiah's daddy was holding him, rocking him back to sleep before I could realize what our son needed. So we gave him just a little bit of tylenol for the pain, daddy put him back to bed and he slept til about 5am. Then I woke up to feed him.
While I was feeding Josiah, I realize how blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband and father. So caring and loving for his family that even though he had to work at 6am the next morning he still jumped out of bed so fast that I didn't have time to say "What's the matter?"

I love you Ben my love, my best friend.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My nights, truly are a blessing.

Hello fellow friends, family and bloggers!

...and these are how my evenings are. With my husband quiet time, no baby. Well you know what husbands and wifes do when the kiddo(s) are in bed ;). Josiah goes to sleep at nearly the same time every night at around 8:30-9. He dosen't stay up past 9 though, the little guys gets so tired out. My mom and I recently got him this little seahorse to sleep with as at the same time I'm getting him to not use his binkys anymore all that and his second bottom tooth is coming in.  He sleeps so well til 7:30-8 and then time to start my day. I love being a mommy and I wouldn't trade anything in the world for it!

Excuse the way that he is positioned, he moves around alot before he goes to sleep and his bed is usually closer to the wall and he can't reach the electrical plug, no worries there moms. I just had to move his bed out for the time being to get something that was wedged in the back corner, and i forgot to move it back. :)

Sweet baby Josiah at 5 1/2 months!