Thursday, March 29, 2012

Natural Monthly Alternatives

OK, I've been wanting to do a post like this for awhile, but since my wonderful, beautiful pregnant friend Stephanie mentioned something about a moldy tampon on Facebook today. I figured that I now have the time to post this. Thanks Steph! Here is a wonderful, helpful video on alternatives to pads and tampons.

Ever since I've started cloth diapering my son, I have been looking for other ways for me to have a more healthy period. :)
OK, you can think that I'm crazy all you want, but whatever, I don't care. 
Believe it or not, ever since I have used CLOTH pads, I have had lighter periods, cramping is more bearable, and the minky pads are softer. 
With disposable pads I would get something almost like a diaper rash on me. 
TMI, I know, but who else is going to be bold enough to talk about it with you?
So every month, I used to have the worse cramps, super heavy flow and a "diaper rash" to go with it all.
Now, it's all changed and feel so much better physically when my monthly flow comes in.
I love my cloth pads and now I'm in the process of saving up $$ for a Diva cup.
Got questions? I don't mind! :)

Chocolate Covered Peeps

As mostly always I got this idea from Pinterest! I love chocolate covered marshmallows and this seemed appropriate to my liking. I included the picture of my inspiration down below, with the ones I did, I just did the entire thing, because I wanted to see how it would really turn out, and I also wanted  more chocolate!

This is how one of them turned out the in end, kinda boring, but kinda cute at the same time.

So here is my version of the chocolate covered peep. ^
First of all, I just used all the items that I already had in my house, the only thing that I went out and bought was 2 packages of peeps from the Dollar Store.

I had this big ole package of dark chocolate from Trader Joe's lying around. You can use just about any kind of chocolate that hardens when cooled.

First thing you wanna do is melt the chocolate in a double boiler. I used a bowl a little larger than my sauce pan and put some water at the bottom of the pot. On med-high heat I had the water at a nice steady boil, using a wooden spoon stirring the chocolate frequently.

While that's melting(it'll take a little while)start skewering your peeps! Now you can use actual wooden sticks that are for the job, or you can just use what you got like I did! These were kinda long for the job, but it worked out just fine for me.

Aren't they cute? :)

Now once you got all them skewered and the chocolate is completely melted, start dipping! I use the spoon to kinda drizzle over it more than dip it. I was afraid the marshmallow would've fallen off.
Let the peep sit over the chocolate for awhile to get the extras off, if you have too much hot chocolate sitting on it your peep will start sliding down from the weight of the chocolate.

Next, you'll want something to have them standing straight up, with this I suggest some kind of old styrofoam lying around your house. Unfortunately(but fortunate ;))my husband cleaned out our sons closet, which had a ton of these, and now we have none. 
So, instead I used an apple, yes, and apple. :) I got to eat it afterwards! :) It looked kinda silly with all these little peeps sticking out of it. But that's alright!

Finally, after about an hour or two of hardening, they are done and ready to be put into something a little cuter. Or in my case, more convenient and out of the way.

My bouquet of peeps! They aren't perfect, but boy do they taste good!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Making old towels like new!

So today is the day where I make my old towels like new!
I saw a pin on Pinterest about it a few months ago and knew that it was going to come in handy someday. We've had our towels since before we were married and haven't bought any new ones.
I love the freshness of new towels and how they smell when they first come out of the dryer.
Anyway, my towels STINK! Not dirty stinky but more like they've been at the bottom of a drawer forever stinky. Obviously they are clean, and they still kinda work. :/ But my husband noticed that they are just not as absorbent anymore. I noticed it too, but I've been to busy to care before but today I couldn't get it out of my head.
So here's pin to which I am following

Use Vinegar and Baking Soda to Recharge your Towels

Best part for me? I already have the ingredients plus it's all natural! Double bonus right?...and you all know how much I love to be as natural as possible in my day-to-day life. ;)

All you do is...

1 hot wash, no detergent with 1 cup of vinegar


1 hot wash, no detergent with 1/2 cup of baking soda

after that

dry your towels without a dryer sheet/fabric softener

The goal? Get all that extra detergent and fabric softener that is sticking to your towels.
I personally don't use fabric softener with my towels anymore after I started washing my baby's clothes.  My son has ultra sensitive skin and after using a different detergent and using NO store bought dryer sheets or fabric softener on his cloths, blankets, sheets and towels has really helped clear up his eczema. I actually use a homemade fabric softener for his things and it works wonderfully.

So before you even think about tossing those towels out or turn them into rags try this out! You'll be saving money and maybe get a few more years out of your towels. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Phone talking

This kid is ridiculous!
He was talking like crazy before and wasn't doing it like he was but it was still super cute!
This video was made on the 15th of March and yesterday the 17th he actually said hello! Well...kinda... :) it was more like a slurred 'ello. I love watching this kid grow and learn. 
Also, sorry about my voice in the background, I probably said hello like 50xs! ;)

Organic Baby

A good read for me this week!

This book tells you how to choose organic products for you baby. All the way from something as obvious as cloth diapers to something interesting to think about like furniture.
It provides information about:
What kind of chemicals that new line furniture may have.
The chemicals in carpet, flooring, window coverings, bedding and paint.
Baby food
Baby Gear
Shampoos, lotions, oils, diaper rash creams
And of course, things that are in the outside world.
I'm a little late starting this book, because I already have all my necessities for my toddler.
Some of you may think that I'm going a little overboard with this, but think about it...back in the old days, they didn't have all these chemical injected items, and look at our disease and cancer rate! Kinda makes you wonder, huh?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Get $10 on this site

Sales start in mid March, so sign on and get some awesome deals, also send a few invites and get more credit to spend!
Go to this site down below!

Today...was a good day!

No, I didn't get a ton of things done around the house, no errands were ran today. Let's just say that today, was a well deserved lazy day.
This morning I started off with Josiah babbling away in his crib, I went to go and get him ready for the day and started his breakfast of a whole banana and oatmeal with a small cup of milk for the little man. While he was eating his breakfast, I started Ben's and my breakfast-bacon, eggs, toast and milk yum! We sat down in front of the TV to eat our breakfast and watch the Netflix movie that came in the other day. Not even an hour into it Josiah was ready for his morning nap. Laid him down and then I started my shower, did a few chores around the house and started packing a lunch for Josiah while Ben was taking his shower.
After his nap we were off!
First we went to the Keizer Station, Ben went to Verizon to take care of a few things and I went to Target with Josiah to grab some necessities. I gave Josiah his PB&J sandwich while I was shopping, it was a little messy but it kept him busy the entire time. I was pleased to find out how much he loved it, and how he just licked the peanut butter off, then ate what was left of it.
So afterward, Ben says, "So where in Portland are we going?"....
Ummmm........hmmm.....I think that there was some miscommunication there cause Yes, I wanted to go to Portland but I dismissed the idea last night because it was Ben's day off and I think that the last thing he wanted to do was drive all day.
So instead I suggested that we just go somewhere to eat here in Salem, just because I wasn't quite ready for a long venture with Josiah, plus I'll be heading out to go to the Portland area anyway for a Consignment Sale with a few friends, which I super excited for!
Anyway, we went to go and eat at the Ram, which is a totally different atmosphere at 4pm than it is pass 7!
So quiet and all the people that were there were elderly people, which is totally fine with me, I prefer it actually! ;)
So we ordered our food and I got a juice box out for Josiah to put into his sippy cup, and I must say that I was not a happy camper when I saw the box...

40% Juice   :/
Gerber, you disappoint me, good thing that this little 6 pack set was free with a coupon in the mail, I will probably never will buy them.

This is probably why I go to Lifesource to get my juices. I did end up giving it to him, but after this set is gone, no more of this added sugar crap!

OK, enough complaining...

 It still ended up being a good day!

Monday, March 12, 2012

For My Mom

Happy Birthday Mom! I love you so much!

Your Daughter, Jessica

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Messy Face

I was trying to record my son when he was making funny sounds and faces, talking to us and having a good family conversation. Something I look forward too is finding out what he is really saying, and having REAL conversations with him.
You'll have to excuse the lovely mess all over him, he always gets a biscuit every afternoon when he gets out of church on the way home. He loves the darn things.

Sadly he saw the camera and all the sudden stopped being cute! Arg.
But oh well...
I love this kid and he makes my life at home with him so entertaining!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Prepare Yourself for...Teething!

Yes! Teething! This may be one of your first awful experiences dealing with a child that has a difficult time with pain. My son, I have noticed, is SUPER sensitive to almost everything!

Light - I did not know this until someone told me that people with blue eyes are more sensitive to light than people with darker color eyes, then a friend of mine confirmed it, makes total sense thought!)

Sounds - Very Light Sleeper(and yes, I have tried vacuuming, being loud during nap times at newborn stage, and many more!) it does not work. Some kids are just like that, and that's OK.

Milk - Not intolerant though, just sensitive

UV Rays - fair skin = loading up the sunscreen!

OK, you get the point, my kid is a little physically sensitive. Which will eventually change(hopefully) when he gets a little older and more independent. He's 1 now, so that'll change soon.

Anyway, his mouth pain is really what gets to him, and ME! Gah! I hate seeing this kid in pain. I know that all children act differently and this may not be the case with your little ones. But Josiah? My goodness this kid is dramatic!

How do I know he's teething?
Well, first of all he's extra fussy and I can't do anything to make him happy. Most you know how happy of a baby he is. He starts to chew on everything, including me! I have a few bite marks on my knee and hand to proof it. This is the weirdest one, but he digs his head into blankets/pillows screams and tries to literally eat it. See, I told you my kid is dramatic. While trying not to laugh at it I'm in the middle of getting my favorite remedies together.

What do I do?
First, check to see if the tooth has broke through the gum yet. That way you know just how long you will be dealing with this for. If it hasn't broken through but your baby seems to be in pain? Give them something to chew on! Work that tooth out! Sooner is better than later, seriously! If it has broken through, it won't take as long for the pain to subside itself.
Now I'm all about going natural with this so I'll tell you what I do before I go to more medical measures.

What I try first?
See this little mesh bag thingy here? >>>>
Now I don't remember the name of it but you
can get it at Walmart for cheap.
Plus you can wash it and use it over and over again

You can put just about anything in it,
I put cold apples, bananas, mango, pineapple
anything I could find that was cold and healthy to eat.

 Next...teething biscuits, but not just any kind.

These I have found to be THE best! I always try to go for organic snacks for my son, if you look closely at some of the ingredients on other non-organic brands they ADD sugar. :/                                                         I didn't start Josiah on these until he was eating more table foods with his hands which was around 9 months I think. You can get them at Walmart, Safeway, Fred Meyer, just about any grocery store.

They come wrapped in a 2-pack, I usually go through 1 a day, it's a great snack for on the go but it does get messy. So be prepared, and bring lots of things to wipe your LO down when he/she is finished.
This is one out of the package >>>>
Easy to hold, and yes, they do taste good.

I test all food before it goes to my son, is that weird? ;)

Another natural way to help soothe that sore gum...
celery! This only really works if they are working in their first 2 bottom teeth. I don't remember who told me this but it does work! (Thank you to whoever suggested this, props to you!)
Give your babe a stick of nice, freshly washed COLD celery. The reason I say this for only the first teeth is because after my son got his topsy's in he was able to break it with those chompers and start eating it.(choking hazard? I think so) That's when I switched to the food holder mesh bag, then after that to the biscuit. I alternate between the two now.
Also, beef jerky! But not the soft stuff, I'm talking the stuff that takes you an hour to chew just to get it down your throat. I'm not patient enough for that but Josiah LOVES it! It's probably his favorite thing out of all these. Please, please please be sure to give them the jerky that is tough, otherwise it will be a choking hazard.

There are probably more great remedies out there, like crushed ice and such, but this is just what works for us and our family.

Baby Oragel and Baby Tylenol is our last resort, and we only turn to these when he has turned everything else down, or before bedtime if I think he is really going to have a rough time that night. So I hope that maybe these have helped you all. Maybe you guys can throw out your own ways of helping your LO to overcome the awful teething experience.

Saturday, March 3, 2012