Thursday, March 29, 2012

Natural Monthly Alternatives

OK, I've been wanting to do a post like this for awhile, but since my wonderful, beautiful pregnant friend Stephanie mentioned something about a moldy tampon on Facebook today. I figured that I now have the time to post this. Thanks Steph! Here is a wonderful, helpful video on alternatives to pads and tampons.

Ever since I've started cloth diapering my son, I have been looking for other ways for me to have a more healthy period. :)
OK, you can think that I'm crazy all you want, but whatever, I don't care. 
Believe it or not, ever since I have used CLOTH pads, I have had lighter periods, cramping is more bearable, and the minky pads are softer. 
With disposable pads I would get something almost like a diaper rash on me. 
TMI, I know, but who else is going to be bold enough to talk about it with you?
So every month, I used to have the worse cramps, super heavy flow and a "diaper rash" to go with it all.
Now, it's all changed and feel so much better physically when my monthly flow comes in.
I love my cloth pads and now I'm in the process of saving up $$ for a Diva cup.
Got questions? I don't mind! :)


  1. Aw, thank you so much and thank you even more for directing me in the right direction!! There are so many options (and super cute, might I add) as far as cloth pads go. So, so excited about this :) AND I love hearing your experiences with them because I, too, have always suffered from super heavy and super painful periods. I look forward to seeing if switching helps me out, too! Thank you, again! :)

    1. No problem, and I hope it works out well with you! :)

  2. Im getting the Diva cup! If you want a discount on it go to and they are on sale for $32 PLUS use the code FIVE for five percent off! I get everything off this website

  3. Thanks for letting me know Jess!
