Friday, April 26, 2013

My Little Man

Playing at Nana's house.

Seriously I just love this kid. 
I get a lot of "He should be learning this by now." or "Why can't he say certain words?"
I am done listening to "them". I am going with my gut instinct on how to teach him and it's not forcing him to sit in a chair and look at flash cards all day.

Well, I did buy flash cards, but we do this when he is willingly sitting next to me while I am nursing his sister. He points and says the ones he knows and he has learned a few of these cards.
 He's 2(and 2 months ;))! He is the type of kid that learns by touching, feeling, doing it himself.
I have to warn Ben every time he does something, because it takes just one time for this kid to know how to do what you just did by just watching you one time. 
Opening doors, unlocking doors. opening the fridge, putting a toy together correctly. 
He knows how to get into my iPhone and get into the game that is meant for him by himself.
He knows how to call Grandma up on my phone.
You name it, this kid may not say a ton of words, but he makes up for it 10xs with his knowing how to do things.
I swear this is kid is going to be a baseball player someday! He literally throws the ball right at you, seriously, I am not bluffing whatsoever.
He has a sweet heart, hugs and kisses for his family, even his baby sister who he yells at to be quiet while she is screaming in the car. He still loves her.
He doesn't throw a fit when another kid takes a toy away(only when mommy or daddy does)he just walks away and finds something else to play with.
At around 18 months of age he found out how much he did not like food on his hands. This resulted in using a fork and spoon really well for the first time. Today he eats with kitchen utensils every time and always asks for them. He prefers a regular cup over a sippy cup. He always wants to eat and drink out of the same exact things that Ben and I are. 
He loves book! He has a few favorites that I have needed to fix with packing tape because he loves them so much. His favorite is a pumpkin book that his Grandma Wendy got him for Halloween. He opens it up and looks at the pictures and pretends to read them

He is a daddy's boy! He loves me, but when daddy is home and around I am chopped liver till he leaves again. Every McDonald's that we pass by, Josiah points and asks where's papa?  Every time I am talking on the phone he always asks to talk to papa. 
Daddy always gets the BEST pictures!

Yes, he calls his daddy papa right now, not sure where he got that because I always say daddy when I am talking about Ben. He's got his own names for everyone.
ran-pa-pa     Grandpa
Gai-Gai     Aunt Casey
Eeeee      baby sister Eden
mama       me :)
ran-ma-ma       Grandma Wendy
nana        Grandma Laura       
He says other things that only Ben and I can make out. It takes a little more effort from others.
uck      milk
duce       juice
up          up
kiki       dog
chus        shoes
suks         socks
ook         book
attermelon      watermelon(weird that he can say that one)
racker           cracker
kiki          cookie
it's gaud           it's good
ulco           apple
nana         banana
grips       grapes
So many more words that I can't think of right now.

Nope he doesn't say as many words as some 2 year olds are expected and the words are hard to make out sometimes. He may have to take speech therapy in the future, he wouldn't be the first in his family to do so.

I am not going with what the world says any more, I am doing what I can as a mom so that he learns. I am not going to force him, I will try and teach him while he plays. When we are outside, we ask him to repeat certain things and we talk to him like any body else.
He is my awesome little man that is super smart and is learning and growing everyday.

Playing in the dirt-cause that's how they learn.
Thank you for reading about my favorite boy. My kids are my world and my husband my best friend.
I am so happy for the little family that God has given me.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tidy Home...Not!

As I am sitting here, typing and nursing my newborn, I realize just how badly untidy my house is.

I have a consignment in May that I am apart of so there are hangers and piles clothes every where.
The main bathroom hasn't been cleaned since I've had my baby. I have taken a rag to it here and there, but I haven't been able to get down on my hands and knees to get to the nitty gritty.
We are planning on moving out of our house one way or another by summertime, so I have been trying to go through our stuff, organizing it and such.
Everyone has one of these--the place where everyone puts there stuff--bills, keys, coupons, trash in corner of the kitchen is over loaded and needs to be looked through.
I have to get my license before the end of this month, preferably without any of the kids.
The carpet still needs my special spring clean treatment.
The outside of our house needs some attention too.

I kinda feel like I am failing as a wife and mother to not be able to keep up with the over load of house work that needs to be done.
It makes it extra hard when I have a little girl that is so attached to me that I have to carry her in a Moby around the house all the time. I have been up to my ears in appointments for myself and both the kids. Most of which is just routine. 
I find it a successful day when I can get the laundry done and dishes cleaned with dinner on the table on time.
Some days, this does not happen.
I miss my clean home. :/  I miss not stepping on a lego. I miss not injuring myself by accidently kicking his buzz lightyear across the floor. I know to not sweat the small stuff, but when the small stuff has been bugging you for a month or two, it kinda gets to you. I guess I could do all these things when the kids are both down for bedtime, but that's the only quiet time that I get with my husband. That time before bed is so precious to us and is much needed.

Looks like my daughter is done nursing now so time for me to attempt to tackle that bathroom.

How do you mommies do it? Do you just keep dealing with it for a few more months? Hire a housekeeper? What?!

My little mess maker
but I wouldn't trade him for a house keeper! ;)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Baby Bottom Problems

Changing a diaper from a boy to a girl is different. Honestly, I like changing a boy over a girl. Boys are so much easier in that department.
Diapering Eden has been a challenge for us. Ever since she was born and put into a diaper she got a rash in about a week. I felt so bad, but I kept up with the cloth diapering, changing her every 2-3 hours and I would put a coconut oil or Grandmas Els diaper cream on every change.
Apparently my techniques didn't work. :(

I went to the doc this morning because her rash was getting progressively worse. I felt like I tried everything.
Doctor recommended at her 2 week appointment to use Cortizone cream 2xs a day and Desitin at every change. So I did that with the cloth diapers for a bit, then I broke down and got some disposables because I felt like the cloth I was doing was making it worse(which it really wasn't) . I was going through diaper liners like crazy. You can't have zinc oxide directly on your cloth, it will make the stay dry fabric waterproof resulting in possibly ruining your diapers.
Changing the type of diaper to the type of cream to how I applied it. I did a baking soda bath. I even had a couple of days where she didn't even wear a diaper, I just had her lightly wrapped in blankets and when she peed or pood i changed the blanket.
Yeah we went through a lot of laundry that day.

So we went to a last minute appointment this morning and her doc said what I kinda thought that it might be.
A yeast infection. :( My poor baby.
I feel so bad and yet I tried everything in my mind that I could think of to do and none of it was working. The only thing that makes me feel a little bit better is the fact he said that it's pretty common for girls to have yeast infections and that it's really hard to keep away sometimes. Just like women, some are more prone to them than others.
Great!   ...not.

I am pretty good with my diet, I eat yogurt 2-3xs a week to help with probotics in my system, I don't eat a ton of crap food. It's not a perfect diet, but I am better than most.

So we got the cream that the doc suggested to get, going to apply that 3xs a day with desitin in between and then in a few days apply that with cortizone and desitin in between still. Still gonna stick with the sposies till I can get rid of this yucky infection that she has.
Also, I have to disinfect every diaper that she has ever worn and every cloth wipe that I have cleaned her with. I am washing diapers like crazy over here. Deep cleaning with bleach and vinegar, making sure that the bacteria is out of all of them. I am one tired momma. I can't wait for this to be over so that we can enjoy diapering her again.
I really hope that this system that the doc put me up on works. If not then we might have to go even farther and get a prescribed antibiotic. Pray that we won't have too!

Moms with babe in diapers, have you had issues like this?
What was your solution and how did you get rid of it?


Friday, April 12, 2013

Cloth diapering a newborn

Cloth diapering my little girl has actually been really easy!
Besides a few user errors of leaks, it's been enjoyable.
What makes the most sense of why I cloth diaper my newborn is the fact that my son is still in (cloth)diapers. So when in the process of making this decision i thought, "Why not?!"
If I am already going to be washing his, what's an extra bit of a load going to matter?

What about the poop?
My son's poo I have to get off in the toilet, I use my shower head to spray all the ickies off into the toilet. It doesn't bug me whatsoever to do that. However, doing newborn diapers are totally different! So much easier! I promise! If you exclusively breastfeed(EBF) your baby you don't have to rinse the poo off in the toilet. Breastfed(BF) poo is completely water soluble. At night I just wipe her with a cloth wipe and throw both into my diaper pail and wallah! It's the same effort as a disposable!

Do cloth diapers(CDs) hold more?
I think so! I have had about 3-4 blow outs that don't really blow out of the diaper. All the poo stays in. Pretty awesome to not have to change clothes every time this happens if you ask me.

(That nasty sticky tar poo) Every one has told me that this stuff stains diapers. For us, not true. The yellow BF poo stains WAY worse! Also, the meconium seemed to come off her hiney a lot easier this time around.

Kinds of diapers that I use?
I use all the different kinds that you can think of. I like all of them for different times of the day.
Fitteds and prefolds at night because they hold the most liquid and I only have to change her every other time.
AIOs, pockets and hybrids during the day because they are the easiest for us on the go.

My most favorite brand of diapers that I have come to love is the Fuzibunz xsmall. I kinda knew that I would like these in the first place because of how well the other sized Fuzibunz fit my son now.
My least favorite is probably the Grovia newborn AIO. They always had a problem wicking onto clothing and they didn't have the stay dry for the little bum which I think may have caused the huge rash on her hiney that is still taking awhile to get rid of. They also did not hold as much liquid as I would have liked. Maybe Eden is a heavy wetter than most, but these seemed to have not worked as well for us this time around. Not saying that this is a bad diaper, but for us it wasn't working out. Some people have had good luck with these, and some people don't.

I just want to let you all know that this is my honest opinion. I am not getting paid to promote anything that I have mentioned. I like to let people know what works for me so that maybe you can do your own research and get the best of what you pay for.

Here is a list of my newborn cloth diaper stash

Sunday, April 7, 2013

6 week old Eden

My baby turned 6 weeks old on Thursday!
She is growing like a weed, seems like my boobie milk is doing it's job!
She is pretty close to 9lbs I think the last time we weighed her was 2 weeks ago and she was 8lbs 12oz at that time. She is slowly starting to get little rolls.
Breastfeeding is getting easier and easier everyday. The first few weeks were the hardest. We never had troubles latching, but the pain when she first latched on was awful! I am glad to say that we are through the roughest part(i think) and I don't dread breastfeeding her anymore.
The last few days she has started to smile! Oh how i love it so much. Her smiles are big, opened mouthed and so happy looking. Her eyes show that she is truly smiling and that it's not just gas. 
Eden Penelope

Right around when she turned about a month old we got some pictures done of our little girl. This is a few of them that I got off of her blog, I hope to show more pictures in the future.
Having a girl is such a joy, I knew that it would be. From ruffles to headbands with flowers and bows I am loving it all. I am so happy that God has blessed me with her. Josiah still loves her. He does get a little jealous at times and he likes to get into everything that he's not suppose to while I'm nursing her. He has never intentionally been mean to her. All he does is kiss her, gently pats her head and when she cries he asks if she's OK. What a good big brother he is. I don't think that we will have any problem getting him to bodyguard her while they are in high school together. ;)

We have just been enjoying her and I'm sorry that I haven't been blogging or video logging lately. Taking care of my husband and kids comes as one of the firsts in my life.

Thank you all for being so patient and sticking with me, love you all!
