Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cloth Diaper Review

This last week I have been on a crazy cloth diaper rampage. I was seeing how much we really have spent on diapers(and what parents have spent) and it was too much!
I was doing quite a bit of calculating and decided that this is what I really want to do. Not only to save us some money, but to be apart in saving the planet. I'm already up to date on the recycling, my husband laughs at me to see the recycling bin so full that our second bathroom is full of the recycling for the next time that it's empty. He always tells me to just throw it away IN THE GARBAGE BIN! I just can't bring myself to do it!

So anyway, I've been ordering AIO and pocket diapers. Mostly from Ebay.(Credit goes to Jessica Swehosky for the suggestion, thanks Jess!) You can get super good deals on the name brand diapers like fuzzibunz, bumgienous, and gDiapers. Also some off brand diapers like Babyland. Kinda sucks that the off brand like these are from China but they are only about $3-$5 bucks, and that's including the shipping. I just ordered one from China off the ebay site, just to see how good of quality they really are. I mean for $3? You just gotta try it!

Last night I finally got my first diaper order in from the Fancypants brand of diapers. I am actually surprised at the quality and I'm excited to get Josiah to wear them. I've only got two Pocket diapers right now, so till the many others that come in I'm getting in some practice.
I also was looking up ways to clean them, I knew that detergents with soap and tons of chemicals in them would cause a buildup and in time cause a stink in the diapers. I will also be making my own detergent for diapers. I already have the products in my laundry closet from making my own regular laundry detergent. So why not?

Cloth diaper detergent consist of:
Arm and Hammer Washing Soda
Also, I add just a drop or two of lavender to my diaper wash for a good smelling load.

The total comes pretty close to $80 starting, that included:
All the diapers
A wet/dry bag to store the dirty diapers in.
A drying rack with the clips
A few extra flat pre-fold backups
One snappy(something that takes place of the ancient safety pins)

That's a purchase for us to buy 2 boxes of costco diapers which each box lasts us a little less than a month and a large box of costco wipes which lasts us about 2 or so months.
I will also be making cloth wipes and my own wipes solution too!
What I'm doing is saving a lot of money!
I actually felt sorry for some of the women out their that have spent about $700 on a fuzzibunz website getting all that they needed.
I'm getting different kinds of diapers, but you aren't going to want to just stick with one brand of diaper. You want to look at your options, for example I LOVE pampers swaddlers, huggies are OK, and I HATE Luvs.(gives Josiah bad diaper rash) It's good to keep your mind open.
I have 2 cloth diapers now and I've got 12 more on the way!(I think)
Seems like a lot but I don't want to be doing laundry everyday, so this is an awesome start!
Soon when I get everything together, I'll make a video for you guys so that you can get an idea of what I'm doing. I'm sure that some of you mommies out there are willing to make a green change like I am. And just think how much $ you'll be saving on your next baby!
So with the new year coming up I'm making my resolution now!
Never buying disposables again!

As Kermit the Frog says-It's not easy being green.
Which is odd because IKEA says that it's easy to be green.
What do you think? ;)


  1. Love this, Jess! Just got re-inspired to get into cloth diapers. Thanks for the post. :)

  2. We love our GDiapers. We still use disposables some depending on where we're going. But cloth diapering is a lot less intimidating than it seems! (I've got a "Why I'm Choosing" blog on this topic coming soon! :))

  3. Glad to be of help, I will also be doing more on this blog about cloth diapering.
    My parents think that I'm crazy, but I'm glad that there are other mommies out there that don't think that I'm crazy. lol
    It's easier than what most people make it out to be. Maybe I'll make a nice little video to make it seem more realistic on the subject. Thanks for reading!
